Butrflynet wrote:
Is it common practice for nurses in NM to conduct invasive procedures such in a woman's vagina and uterus?
In CA, it has always been an MD when I've had exams or any procedures such as PAP smears, etc.
Maybe she was a nurse practioner.
There's been a couple times I can recall where people in the health care field indicated I shouldn't be able to make my own reproductive decisions.
During my first marriage, my ex-husband decided he didn't want to use condoms any more, not so much with the purpose of getting pregnant, but he wouldn't have minded it. I obviously didn't want kids. Also, I had made the decision by this time to get out of that marriage, but was in the figuring out how I was going to do it stage.
So, I went to planned parenthood to get bc pills. They asked my home phone and I refused to give it, stating I would call them back for the pap results, and to get my perscription. They became quite insistant I give them my number, and I continued to refuse. They finally said they weren't going to call my home, so I said then there was no reason to give my number. They just wouldn't give up, so I finally told them I did not want my husband to know I was going on the pill. THAT started a whole new pressure tactic, with them saying they really didn't want to give me bc if my husband wasn't aware. By that time I was pissed and asked them what business was it of their what I do in my private life. I got the pills and never gave them my number.
A few years earlier, while I was single, I discussed with my doctor getting my tubes tied, and he flat out refused, telling me "you'll change your mind"....uh, no, I won't.
Where does anyone get off telling someone that?
I agree squinny, I would never have an IUD. I've had gf's who've had them, and had all sorts of trouble. Plus, for me, I didn't like the idea of something scraping around inside me all the time.....ew.
However, it's not my business what someone else wants to use.