A new Belmondo film, modern remake of Umberto D, opens to tough reviews. I would like to see it - I've enjoyed Belmondo on film long ago, and might still now.
A Man and His Dog
One of my favorite films ever was Man from Rio. Until, that is, I saw it a second time some years later and didn't feel the magic. But that too has gotten to be long ago, and I think I'll watch it one more time.
Umberto D - first time I saw it, in a theater, I was stunned - back in the seventies. I ordered it on netflix some time within the last year and didn't have the temperament to see it again all the way through. But in this case I think that was mood related, rather than my not still liking the movie.
Any Belmondo or Umberto D fans out there? Or, non Belmondo or Umberto D fans?