Wed 14 Jan, 2009 02:01 am
ill start, anwyays i was playing truth or dare and they were talking about beer runs and stealing bottles earlier, and my homegirls were like og u used to steal them all the time haha, i dare you to do it again! im like man naw that was like years and years ago, like 5 years.
well, the closet store gets hit constantly, and it was 9 at night priemtime , the time when they have a security guard there just to guard the liquor, i know this because im a fuckin pro.
anyways, im like la de da, ok take it, i see him following me, and then hes like hold on man, and grabs hsi handcuffs, i was like whats goin *BAM* sock him in the face and take off, a car opens its door and i run straight into it.i flip over it
the bottle falls breaks and im like WTF!, he calls me a cracker ass honky and hes like 20 feet behind me, and im like, ur the slowest nigger i ever seen!
im way too old for that ****. yes i know it was racist, it was the heat of the moment i guess.
stupid, yet hilarious, everyone was laughing at us.
ok i just one upped that.
i made some tacos and i sneezed with habenero sauce in my mouth.
oh my ******* god it hurts.
it feels like i got hit in the face with a hammer.
This is an example of why I've stopped taking seriously your pleas for help about college and jobs. Are you back to using dope too?
Give yourself a break and stop being your own worst enemy, Ogi.
So now you've added robbery and assault to your repertoire?
Brilliant! Tell us some more!
With your face and build, you're going to be the most popular boy in your cell block.
Now, tell me, why is it stupid? Be as thorough as you wish. Until you realize that these kinds of actions can have a real affect on later life, you may have to redefine your career options to include "convicted felon" on your employment forms.
Yep. And which is stupider, committing crimes, or hanging out with the type of people that would dare you to commit crimes?
Step one for improving yourself might be getting a new set of "homegirls."
taking diet pills when i'm not even remotely fat. after 2 pills, i returned them to the store and got full refund

I guess that would be taking my old Ford van and getting mad at all the snow.
I kind'a used it as a snowplough to ram snow buildup by the street-plough which had left massive icy mounds of the stuff on the front of the driveway.
Nothing really much happened except the tires smoked, the engine screamed, I got to take out my frustrations against all the damned snow, the van shot around on the ice, and a bit of snow got pushed about.
lol, ialso got habenero sauce in ym fcuking eyes.
eat burritos, wake up after nap, rub eyes, scream in agony.
**** man this habenero sauce is killing me.