Quote:I guess BH Obama (The young ****-Head) could age in another direction after 4 years in office...
As long as he doesn't ******* sell WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION to the Iranians*, he can dress up like 50 Cent for all I care.
First rule, if your President acts like a criminal, treat him like a criminal. If his Vice-President acts like a criminal, see previous statement.
According to The New York Times, the United States supplied the following arms to Iran:
August 20, 1985. 96 TOW anti-tank missiles
September 14, 1985. 408 more TOWs
November 24, 1985. 18 Hawk anti-aircraft missiles
February 17, 1986. 500 TOWs
February 27, 1986. 500 TOWs
May 24, 1986. 508 TOWs, 240 Hawk spare parts
August 4, 1986. More Hawk spares
October 28, 1986. 500 TOWs