@Robert Gentel,
Do you do web programming for a living?
I'm having to deal with web applications on an increasing basis at this point; kind of like having hoped I could die of old age without having to touch cell phones and then reality intervened...
I'm seeing what looks like three or four basic approaches to the thing...
.Net, which I'm not really interested in. I mean if I'm going to sell my soul I'd as soon sell it to the real devil as to some wannabe devil like Bill Gates...
Corba, for super masochists and possibly people with a major need to integrate existing cobol code into web systems. DAO Corba is bigger than the operating systems it lives on and takes days and weeks to compile.
Java, which appears to be filling the role Corba was supposed to, the language is basically simple, the servers are more complicated and integrating Eclipse and any of the servers is very difficult. The RMI server may be all that many people need and that DOES give you remote object programming with apps that look like apps rather than like web pages.
And than what I call a sanson (Sanford and Son) mixed model of programming including html forms, javascript, ajax, and php. A2K for instance appears to run mostly on the sanson model. If nothing else you have to like php, which appears to be an exceptionally good C interpreter with scripting language abilities made for web programming.
Am I missing anything here, some other major model of web programming which is going to make everything I've mentioned obsolete by June 09 or anything like that??