I think we should all meet
at Tarah's place that's right
she's got a spare room
and if we have a whip round
not too dear
we could afford
a drop of warm beer
Last night I did some real hard whipping ............... and boy, did that cream taste good afterwards!
Steve, I've taken the beer out of the fridge so it'll be just the right temperature by the time you get here!
Don't worry Rick....its just a special code we use when talking about such things...called English
I can recall being mortified when I walked into a wine bar in London, and the barman asked if I wanted a Fosters!
2 things:
1.) I didn't think I sounded that obviously and immediately Australian
2.) I wouldn't dream of drinking Fosters here.
Although it has happened to me before. About 20 years ago, a friend and I were at a concert at the Albert Hall. I turned and asked about getting something to eat. From behind me, some chap (English accent) said "If you just go around that corner, you'll get a meal every bit as good as at the Opera House!"
This merely confirmed the sad state of English food, as the food at the Opera House has always been plain awful. <said to be improving, now - but I'm not risking it!>
But...I must sound more Ozzian than I thought!
You know margo, those Brits are darn smart I tell you!
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:gd
so are we an island or not? I'm only asking, not formulating immigration policy
I think we are still an island. In case you got the wrong idea, I'm not some far-right BNP racist!
Sometimes the irony/sarcasm in my posts gets lost. :wink:
Hey GD !!!
This post is funny - I think I should also come up with a list of what I like/don't like abt UK - the problem is I can't seem to think of anything to put in the like column !!
Gautam wrote:Hey GD !!!
This post is funny - I think I should also come up with a list of what I like/don't like abt UK - the problem is I can't seem to think of anything to put in the like column !!
Then why did you take up British nationality?
I'm sure reasons like "tolerance" and "economic stability" could spring to mind!
Hmmm...tolerence is debatable.
The reason I took up british nationality is purely because of my job and nothing else.
Does 'for tax reasons' come under 'economic stability'? :wink:
Agreed that tolerance is not absolute but relative to other places. Few other comparable economies are more tolerant of diversity.
Super G, what do we need to show you, to persuade you that it's an OK place to live for reasons other than work...which is clearly your over-riding reason to be here.
"If you can't be with the one you love,
Love the one you're with"
Where is that quote from, KP? I know it from some Massive Attack lyrics, but I suspect that is not it's true origin!
G - Is Britain more tolerant of homosexuality than India?