Is Cathy Bates your alter ego, Diane? Is it true you are moving to Albuquerque, where the balloons come from? Did I make a faux pas conflating your use of the word 'round' with the word 'balloon' just then?
Diane, are you as evil as Kathy Bates in Misery?
I hope you cannot be like Cathy Bates in Delores Claiborne, can you?
Don't we love Cathy Bates in that movie? Diane, at least you're not like her in Misery, I assume?
As far as 'beautiful people' wouldn't I say that our 'alters' are more an idealization than anything else, at least for me?!
drom- & Clary -
Have I been thinking of alter egos for others? Why, yes I have! Do I not think ehBeth reminds me of a character in 'Much Ado About Nothing'? The name escapes me (I might have to look it up!) Not Hero, but the other main female character that ends up with her guy in the end. Do I not think ehBeth has her wit?! (BTW didn't Emma Thomson play her in the movie with Kenneth Branagh as her paramour?)
Beatrice! Did I not just look it up? What do you think? Am I daft?
Yeah, I heard this on the BBC's Big Read; Little Women emerged as the nation's 18th favourite book of all time, but we were told that she wrote the book on commission, and never liked children at all; it is really, really surprising, isn't it? Her earlier work, like the Hospital Sketches, show how little children played in her mind until she was asked to write; still, the character of an author should not have big implications on how we read her or his novels, should it? It seems that, at the moment, publication has become one big popularity cult; or am I alone in thinking that?
One thing that I certainly am alone in is not having watched Kathy Bates, ever; I'll go off and check her out now: has she been in many films?
You might like Misery, mightn't she, gang? It's about a writer and a predatory fan, isn't it right up your street? And isn't C/Kathy Bates good in that?
Who does she play; the writer or the fan? I probably would find that interesting, and close to home, now that I consider it, wouldn't I?
drom, Kathy Bates was the fan in Misery.
Won't she make you give up writing

if you want a more Diane-like Kathy Bates, shouldn't you try About Schmitt?
Wow; she must be awful-- I don't mind being creeped out in some ways, but not in most, you know? I wonder if I'll ever have some weirdo like that onto me? I should hope not; but anyway, from what little the synopses say, I can't imagine Diane as Kathy Bates in that movie; it's impossible, isn't it? She's not a nun gone that bad... but what was I saying? O, indeed; I was about to say-- I preferred KB's real name; as every time I hear the name 'Kathy B___,' I think of this loudmouth comic called Kathy Burke; have you heard of her? Do you all go to see comedy much?
O, everyone; if you had to choose between having millions of dollars/pounds and millions of fans, out of which there were about one hundred complete screwballs, or to be known by no one except two people, which would you choose?
devriesj wrote:drom- & Clary -
Have I been thinking of alter egos for others? Why, yes I have! Do I not think ehBeth reminds me of a character in 'Much Ado About Nothing'? The name escapes me (I might have to look it up!) Not Hero, but the other main female character that ends up with her guy in the end. (Beatrice!)Do I not think ehBeth has her wit?! (BTW didn't Emma Thomson play her in the movie with Kenneth Branagh as her paramour?)
In response to your question, drom-, wouldn't I definitely choose the latter?! Doesn't the idea of a crazy person lurking about creep me out?!
And did I not find Cathy Bates in 'Misery' downright creepy? Didn't
Diane mention that she was more like the 'Fried Green Tomatoes' Cathy Bates?
I would choose the former, probably; the latter would mean that only two people knew me, and they might not be friendly towards me; whereas, if millions liked me and there were a few hundred freaks, I could get 24-hr security
Touche'! Maybe, I was thinking, wouldn't I like to be REALLY known by just two people, and thus really loved - as in 'to know one is to love one'?
But , like you said, millions of people & security doesn't sound to bad either does it?
It doesn't; but then, there are pitfalls of fame, aren't there? I think the best thing would be something between the two: to have quite many loyal followers, and only a few screwballs.
Isn't that the truth? Don't we all wish for just a little bit of fame? Not necessarily like a movie star or whatever, but being noted for what we do best, and at the very least being acknowledged? Most of all doesn't everbody just want to be loved? Undrestood?...
You're right, Dev; would anyone disagree with what you've said? I would rather perplex people than be understood, though; I don't know why?
Hmmm. Don't I like having a certain air of mystery myself - to people in general, but still it is/wouldn't it be nice to be known well by one or only a few friends & lovers?
Aren't you the mystery woman, Dev?
Who me? What ever makes you say that? (She said mysteriously...)