I think I need to read the book again, don't I, since I am her?
Would anybody mind summarizing, as I'd so much rather not read the book at this point...
osso, Hasn't it been a while since I've read the book myself? Is your name really Jo?
Now let's see... It's easier not to do this in question form... okay. Jo was the second oldest of the March sisters, right? Well, she was the writer, for one thing. (something I'm not : ( She was just always having little mishaps like the tear in her dress for a dance, and the time she was getting her hair curled and a curl burned right off! Do you remember now? Anyway, I'm like that with all the little mishaps, etc. Are you?
Do you need more of a synopsis or will that do?
Am I not a Jo, but, but, I surely am.
And, frankly, I am Jo and not Joe, a constantly recurring mistake.
And I am Jo in lieu of a longer name, which when heard, people only confuse more than the original Jo. So, never mind.
Oh, no, how can I veil all this in a question?
OK, let me veil all this in a question.???????????????????
Don't I know it! My name is Jann (spelled just like that) - sounds like Jan - I say that only because it's been confused for so many other names it's ridiculous, is it not? Do my friends not call me Jay?!
ossobuco wrote:and aren't you both lovely? Drom and Clary, I mean, don't I?
Aren't you kind? We're just a couple of eccentric unreformed Brits, aren't we?
Could Lucrezia Borgia have had a corgi and do word games? Aren't you really a member of the royal family? Or do you think they couldn't manage the games!?
Thank you, Osso; do you know that I think the same about you (and Dev, and everyone over here on Trivia & Games?) I think that dropping one's eccentricity is an awful thing to do; it's sad that Britain is no longer weird and wonderful, isn't it?
As for my being Anne Brontë, she and I are very different: she was religious, and I am not; I'm more like Emily: but, two people, on occasions separated by years, have said that I was her in the past life; can you believe it? If I were to have an alter-ego in Literature, I suppose that it would be Dorethea, had she not married, or perhaps Lily from Woolf's To The Lighthouse; I don't know?
Your alter-egos sound interesting, Osso; what did they do? And, incidentally, my name in Ana, an abbreviation of the name Andrea; because I might as well tell you all, mightn't I?
personally i like to 'associate' with Raskalnikov (Crime and Punishment - Dostoyevsky)
nothing like a little mental torment to lighten your day?
I wouldn't be in the English royal family since my heritage is Irish, would I now? I suppose I could have married into it, but it's a tad unlikely: the one time I saw Prince Philip, when he came to visit my small laboratory, I hid out in the bathroom down the hall, didn't I?
Isabella d'Este
Lucrezia Borgia Can't find a good link (in my opinion) to the book I read, Lucrezia Borgia, by Rachel Erlanger.
There's a book on her by Maria Bellonci that seems interesting.
biography of Lucrezia by Maria Bellonci
Borgia L
Ossobuco aka Lucrezia Borgia aka Jo
The same wriggly dark hair as Emily Brontê... I wonder why?
And here am I - a likeness, do you think?
Oh - see previous page for a nice portrait of Lucrezia.
And here am I - a likeness, do you think?
I think the austen likeness is uncanny, Clary; don't you like it yourself?
Don't you love our show and tell? Didn't I try to Google for a pic of Jo from 'Little Women'?...
Didn't I find a pic on one of Louisa May Alcott's other writings called 'Works', but was unable to copy it? I look a bit like the girl on the front cover, don't I think? As a vain aside, although she is Jo's alter ego, do I not think Louisa M. Alcoott a bit unattractive; or at least that I don't look like her?
Do you really have those curly locks, drom-/Ana? Am I not jealous?
And, Clary, don't I think your real likeness more comely than that of Jane Austen?
I've only been away for a couple hours, why have all the posts turned into chat lines? Is everyone on something I don't know about?
No, Rod. Isn't it that we are just a chatty bunch?
Will I sort them out for you, Rod? Perhaps it's due to the momentary chaos caused by that.. visitor that we had?
Do you know: I agree with Dev about your looking better than your astro-twin? Still, was my friend Lib not right when she wrote that good looks are often 'the cap that douses burning filaments?'
And yes, I do, Dev, and naturally, too; although, often, not brushing my hair makes it seem curlier... do you know, I've never bothered dying my hair?
And I will try to find a picture of Jo; it has to be somewhere, if not on the Internet, doesn't it?
Do I not thank you for looking up Jo for me? Did I not find some paper dolls of her while Googling that had my auburn/reddish-brown hair. Like I've said, though, do I not look a bit like the woman on the cover of Louisa May Alcott's book called 'Work'?