Kicked in the a$$ by an a$$, will the fat-headed flaberdasher overcome his dignity?
Haven't you all noticed how some people are disturbed by digressive discursions into dromedary delusions?
What was the question again?
I'm back, albeit at five am; how is everyone? Eating Graham wafers? As for how I am: I'm going back to the hospital to-day, for test results; I hate hospitals, don't you?
I hate forums that take themselves seriously; I feel that, if one looks at the closeness of the people here on A2K-- some people being friends in 'real' life due to it-- one can see that digressions are worth it, can one not? (And there's nothing wrong with a good digression, is there?)
i've been away drom, is everything okay with you?
I've not been feeling well, unfortunately, Willow; but I am glad to see you: did you enjoy yourself while you were away?
You do know that I wish you well and a speedy recovery right? Just working, and no one really would enjoy the work i do, don't you know?
Thank you Willow; I did know that you would wish well to me, didn't I? I believed that your profile was true, although I couldn't see why you would be permanently unemployed when you are talented; what do you do? Or, if you want to stop there; doesn't it seem that nearly everyone hates their job?
Isn't a sense of humor almost crucial to survival?
Am I not delighted that cherry season has arrived? Is this not (along with bananas, pineapple, peaches, kiwi, grapes, pears...) one of my most favorite fruits? Can you imagine that my chrome cherry pitter is ready for a workout? Do you know I would never survive on the Atkins diet?
I'm better, everyone; the whole of my problem was that my intestines can't handle rye; so, I'll find it hard not to eat Ryvita in future, won't I?
I would never dream of the Atkins diet; it's not just me who finds it both completely unhealthy and unappealing, is it? I like cherries, too; but in huge moderation; I prefer pineapples... how about everyone else?
Cin, why ever would you bemoan cherry season? Or fruit season? Wouldn't it be nice to just live on fruit all summer long?
Aren't we pleased to welcome Drom back, albeit disguised as a Victorian gentlewoman who may or may not be Anne Brontê?
Couldn't you find a picture of your alter ego? Do you have that sort of wiggly dark hair and prissy mouth?
My sun and moon signs are the same as Jane Austen's, aren't they, so I think I'd like to be her, wouldn't I?
and aren't you both lovely? Drom and Clary, I mean, don't I?
Who is my alter ego? Hmmm, perhaps Isabella d'Este or the revisionist Lucrezia Borgia. Or..
Oooh! Don't I love this digression?... Haven't I always identified with 'Jo' from Louisa May Alcott's "Little Women?" (said to be her alter ego as well.) Aren't I always feeling 'a day late and a dollar short' as it were, with a tear in my dress?! Doesn't she just so endearingly 'mess up?' Am I not a lot like that - although not always so endearing, but am I not a 'character?' - an imperfect imperfectionist shall we say?