Aren't I encouraged by your words, devj? But don't I know that I have some very large GAPS in my knowledge that even stretch to not recognising people in the street?
Do you know, Clary, that I love the word "pipped" which, I believe you introduced in a word game, and which I never heard before, and which I'll be using a lot from now on? Isn't that sentence grammatically atrocious?
Do you know ,Dev, that I think it's terribly sad that your husband and friends won't play trivia games with you?
I am interested to know you didn't know pipped but I guess I abbreviated pipped at the post which I suppose is a racing term, isn't it? Actually Aggie, can you point out what is grammatically atrocious about that sentence?
Do you know that nobody will play Scrabble with me because they think I'll win? And isn't that unfair because all the words we use are ones they know too? And it depends on the letters a lot, doesn't it?
Do you know I agree with you, Aggie & Clary? & Do you know that it's ok that you don't know everything, Clary?! Can anyone? & that We wouldn't expect you to?! AND that I had never heard 'pipped' before either. I guess I just thought it was an English term.
Do you know I can't point out the grammar errors, but the sentence just doesn't sound right to me? Do you know I love Scrabble, and that I bought a Scrabble dictionary so I could play on the computer as my daughter doesn't care for the game? But don't you know that when I joined A2K, I became severely addicted to the movie quiz and word games and music and poetry threads, and am not ab le to tear myself away?
Do you know that sounds like me too, Aggie?! Am I not supposed to be working at home, not playing games? Oh well, all in moderation, right?
Don't you think the same as I - that work is boring and that we have earned and deserve our playtime?
Do I most whole-heartedly agree with you? Am I not vigorously shaking my head just now?
Don't you think we four are alot alike? Did you know I have the same traits, you are all talking about?
Don't you know that I'm not at all surprised? Don't you know that we're all beginning to sound alike?
Do you think after being on so much we've had an actual mind meld?!
Don't you know that I think that's entirely possible?
Osso. do you think it's possible there may be more than Five? Can you think of anyone else?? Do you know I've had Two A2K mind melds today?
No, I didn't, Fealola, or did I forget already? Do a whole bunch of us have mind overlaps?
Yes, mind overlaps can be spooky, can't they?
Did I miss something while the dogs and I were out?
Are we all turning into a composite being?
Yes, with many facets, aren't we?
The thing is, I think the trivia/word games threads that I participate in, and I know there are more, are sometimes a feast of nuance and incandescent pleasure, poetry and wisdom flitting by..... kind of an a2k secret, eh?
Incandescent, that can't be right, can it? luminescent? fluorescent? Luminescent it is.....
isn't it?