Are we all sitting at our computers at home where we are supposed to be working, and doing this instead? Is it shooting ourselves in the foot, or is it sustaining our sanity? Aren't I sure that if I were in the same timezone as you, I would have mindmelded on the last conversation? Now I am a widow, can I move to the USA and be in the zone with my a2k pals?
But in the meantime, I have been envious of you, being where you are...
still, I do understand the need for change.
I'm a big fan of California, and so should be quiet. There are many other places, most closer to your Totnes area.
Do you know, I always thought that someone who was young in the sixties should live in California for at least a year, sometime in their lives? Do you thnk this is the time? What is it like round your place, Osso, is it town, country, sea, mountains, flat, green, brown? Haven't I only really been to SF and LA? So am I ignorant or what?
Even I was ignorant of where I am now, and in many ways still am. I am "beyond the redwood curtain."
Which is to say, that if you look at the CA map, and espy places like Petaluma and Healdsburg (sigh) on highway 101.. those are on the main highway, 101...
well, that is another story as there is a faster more inland highway through the coastal states but somewhat inland, highway 5.
About three and a half hours north of SF, as the car clock ticks, you approach the mountains... Ukiah, Willits, Laytonville, Garberville, the old growth redwood turnoff, Scotia, Ferndale, and my port town.
Because my new area has been relatively inaccessible, prices are still low, though shooting up. The population is still smallish, though people complain of traffic (I snigger).
I live in a complex of towns.. Ferndale, Fortuna (I never remember which one comes first.. of those I'd pick Ferndale, slightly touristy but I still like it...) and then Eureka (old victorian seaport), Arcata (home of Humboldt State Univ, and somewhat upscale in an organic way) and McKinleyville, a faster growth place, and then, and then, Trinidad, a glorious place, small and windy and beautiful. Past us you get Crescent City and then Oregon. I still haven't been to Crescent City.
My town, Eureka, is about 4 1/2 hours from San Francisco by car, most of the ride gorgeous. On the other hand, virtually no other transport except Greyhound bus, chug, or airplane, a one hour flight to SF or Sacramento, another hour from either to LA. In the meantime, it is, on the coast here, often foggy and rarely gets over 64, in our little pocket. Air virtually always good, sometimes crystalline.
45 minutes inland, on highway 299, you'll find some cozy 105 degrees in Willow Creek in the summer. But that is beautiful too... as the Trinity Alps start..
Do you know that sounds beautiful, osso?! I've never been north of SF. Been to LA & points in between the two. Used to live in Phoenix & make visits west, south & around.
Wouln't we love to have Clary on our continent, even in our country? Wouldn't she make a great asset? But wouldn't I love to visit England as well, & have someone to visit?...Alas, no money for travel now. Won't tell my sad story here, but I can dream, can't I?
Don't I find England one of the most depressing countries to live in, in the entire world? You probably know already how I feel about the apathy, the dirt, the crime, the desecration of what once was a great culture and the general dinginess of modern Britain, don't you?
Don't I suppose I do, drom, especially after your incident? Isn't it so for me that 'the grass is always greener on the other side'?
True; but facts and figures make it clear that England has become, as Larkin predicted, 'first slum of Europe,' haven't they? Still, that doesn't mean that one cannot enjoy the good parts, does it?
Don't I think one should enjoy the 'good parts' of anything?
Is England really that bad drom? Have you tried Wales? Or do you tar Wales and Scotland with the same brush?
Nuts, I forgot the question marks again, didn't I?
Is this sad about England? And do you know I love England, even tho' I've never been there? Osso, wouldn't it be COOL if Clary came to California???
Did you know I protected fealola from Walter today?
Have you been LURKING, Gus?? Isn't it nice of him to join in? Isn't Gus one of the treasues of A2K? Isn't that comment too corny for Gus?
Were you happy that I protected you from Walter?
You did? How's that??? Does that sound juicy?