Will you then consider yourself enlightened Cinn and do you mind if I call you that?
Would you be surprised to learn that the word Cinn rolls especially nicely off my tongue?
I think you know I mean soft c cinn as in sin do you not?
Wnat's an Insane Clown Posse guy??
fealola wrote:Wnat's an Insane Clown Posse guy??
If you do not know that Insane Clown Posse is a rap and wrestling group do you think you are culturally deprived?
A rap AND wrestling group?? Is that not hilarious? Yes, aren't I socially deprived? Don't you think I should get out more?
Cinnesthesia, Wasn't I just kidding? Aren't I just so glad you care?! :wink:
Now is that scary or what???
that isn't interesting ,is it??
You know, that's a bummer, Cinn- ? Don't they say it's all relative? ...Even though my dad's in ICU, he's doing a little bit better every day, y' know?
Did you know I've been wondering about devriesj and her dad?
Does anyone want some 1% chocolate milk?
Did you know that it's so nice of you to think of me & my dad, ehBeth? and that I'd love some choco-milk!
p.s. Did you know he's doing a little better every day, but it's one of those "it takes long to recover from" diseases?
May I say, I'm very glad about your dad?
And may I ask, what is 1%? Is it the chocolate/cocoa content? The milk content? The fat content? The satisfaction factor?
May I thank you Clary? Did you know the 1% refers to the milk (fat) content? & that satisfaction is much higher?! (especially if the milk is completely choco- saturated!)
Could it be that 1% milk fat is more satisfying than 4% normal milk fat? Isn't satisfaction generally related to fat content? Or does the satisfaction come from knowing that you are not eating too much fat? Isn't it funny that although I am on the fat side, I do not much like chocolate as it gives me a headache?
Is Shiny happy to be here? Am I not chocolate milk's biggest, heh, fan? Do I not like my 1% chocolate milk with a wee bit of added rum and many ice cubes?
It is such a pleasure to hear Devries' dad is doing better, don't we all concur?
Shall I face up to my responsibilities and go weed? It is a little windy, don't I hate to weed in the wind?