Oh, she is, bear, isn't she?
But doesn't she have a point? How much longer will you deign to grace us with your presence? Will you still have time for us mere mortals once you become a TV star?
Is it possible you can misjudge me so badly? Am I not merely a simple bear whose only needs are foraging and frolicking?
Well, don't you think "silver tongued devil" is a nickname better suited for BPB?
Do you think he'll start his own thread on which no one can post post unless they're on "The List"? Don't you think he should call it "Behind the A2K Velvet Rope?
You, know what? Isn't he nicer than that?
I don't know...is he? Doesn't fame often go to people's heads?
(Am I not leaving this one wide open for ya, Bear?!)
Are you setting me up Eva?
May I thank Raggedyaggie for her kind words, above? Is the Bear really a frightened little boy? Isn't he too young for this sophisticated thread?
do I love hearing that I'm too young or what?
devriesj wrote:Is that not funny? hee hee Do you want me to go? <sob>
No, why would I want you to go? Didn't you say "So many questions, so little time?" and wasn't I merely replying to that?
Are we waiting with bated breath, open mouths and other unattractive attributes for the appearance of your Meisterwerk? We are, aren't we?
Are you damning me with faint (or feint) something? Am I not flattered by the attention, even if I don't deserve it?
Would I damn where I had not read? Am I not one of the least judgmental of people? Are my feelings hurt that you even thought it?
Clary, I was not being serious; if I hurt your feelings, it was inadvertant, would you please accept my apologies?
Do you think I am serious? Do I LOOK serious? Seriously though, I don't see why we shouldn't be waiting with arms akimbo and legs crossed for your magnum opus, do you? And may I send admiration of the stickability it needs to write a work of fiction however its content may be?
Cinn my love, were you under the impression that that is a picture of me?
Were you not aware that that is an image of the world famous Ouchy the Clown and that you can go to his website for many such interesting and classic images?
I shall change my avatar to my own image but do you mind if only temporarily for your own edification and enlightenment?