And doesn't reading help out the imagination?
Shouldn't you put on some warm socks to help with your cold feet Clary? And shouldn't you throw all your concerns out the window and just revel in the uniqueness of the experience you are about to have?
You know we are going to miss you don't you?
Pardon the intrusion, but might I offer you Bon Voyage, Clary? Will you write about it here? Will you tell? Have I not been to Asia in my imagination as well?
Where is Clary? Is she tired of our inquisition?
I think she tired. Do you think maybe she's packing?
Do you know, I just considered having a lodger for 2 weeks of a Baroque Music Summer School? Do you think if Clary can cope, that I can?
Do you think it would be interesting to have such a boarder?
Was I busy or what?
Can you imagine woolly socks in a temperature of 36C?! May I take this opportunity to thank you all for your good wishes and confirm that I will be visiting A2K whenever possible? And can I add that I will be looking forward to relaxing in Thailand once my work in HK is finished? But is it surprising that at the moment I'm not looking forward, I'm looking all round me at the chaos and the burnt saucepan (lodger) and wondering if it's all worth it?
Will you not know whether or not it was worth it once you go? and return?
Do you have house insurance?
You're probably right, aren't you? The chances are I'll think it was worth it in retrospect, aren't they? I'm just a bit stressed out right now, really, wouldn't you say? Shall I start a new thread in the travel Asia section to update all of you on my travels? Would it be easier if everything didn't have to be a question?
Don't we think it would be a good idea to get an update that way? Aren't we tired of questioning everything?
Are you tired, devriesj? Have you been tired long? Have you been sleeping well?
Why do you ask, beth? Do you know I have insomnia and that I am terminally tired?
Oy! Do you know that I just 'got' your question, ehBeth? Do you think I am tired of asking questions or that Clary is tired of talking about her trip by answering a question with a question?
Do you know that I like the new avatar, ehBeth? New hair color for you?
I can't remember to turn statements into questions all the time, can I? A Travel forum Asia trip topic sounds good, doesn't it?
Do you like the new/old purple hair, devriesj?
Do you think it is a good choice for today?
Have you really not been sleeping well?
Do I think it's your color and perfect for today. Why yes, ehBeth, I do, I must say!
Are you asking if I am an insomnia queen? Is my kingdom quite sleepless? Do I feel it's quite mean?
Have you tried reading cheese poetry?
a sampling of cheese (poetry)
I haven't tried it! Have I tried everything else? It just might do the trick, why not, if nothing else?