Do you want to hear some gossip?? About Clary?? Pssssttt....
did you hear that she's going to Cambodia , Thailand and Hong Kong soon? Aren't you wondering why? Doesn't it sound..... suspicious?? Or exotic, at least??
Ooooooooooooh, really? Really? Really?
I am packing my vicarious bags... don't you know that is how I survive between trips? Otherwise, I make a sentimental journey out of a dropby to the grocery store?
Cambodia, oh, oh, oh... I want to hear more, I need to hear more, talk to us, Clary, no?
Clary - are you really? Why? For how long? When do you leave? Are you going alone? Will you be able to access a computer to tell us all about it while you are gone? Are you excited or nervous? How long have you been planning this?
Well, I only planned it last week, didn't I? Could I possibly go for 2 1/2 months, I wondered? Can I get away on March 17th? But don't I have to work ALL the time I'm in Hong Kong? Shall I try to get to the computers for a newsletter? Is it normal to be nervous travelling on my own, even though I've been to Bangkok and Hong Kong before? Is it just me, or am I the only one who finds flying horrific? But has it ever stopped me in the past?
Isn't the most horrifiying thing the length of the flight? How long is it? How will you get through it? You know, I'd get the heebie jeebies?
Could it BE any longer? I think it's 10 hours, isn't it? Isn't that awful? But they put some great movies on, and you have your own console with a selection of about 50 different ones, don't you? Perhaps you have computer games as well? And food? And it's at night so maybe it's possible to sleep? The flight is daunting, isn't it?
Wouldn't it be worse if you lived in New Zealand and were about 24 hours from anywhere? (Except Australia - and that doesn't count, does it)
Doesn't it?! Would you ever leave NZ? Isn't it nice to have the Airline to Middle Earth?
Why should Australia count to anyone but white rabbits?
Why would I leave New Zealand? Did I not do that several times and did I not breath a huge sigh of relief to be back again?
`And I don't think you're alone in that, are you Eve? Wouldn't we all like to live inMiddle Earth, unpolluted and unhassled? Why don't we? Afraid of orcs? Kiwis? Keas?
I love travel, even the bad bits, don't I? Looking forward to hearing as you plan, yep?
Oh Osso, don't I wish it was you going instead of me!? I'm getting cold feet, aren't I? Doesn't it all seem too much to organize before I go? Somethng that will push me out is that I've got a German student staying in the house while I'm away and he's already here - am I unique in hating having a stranger in the house, especially when I have so much to organize??
Who doesn't hate having strangers live with them?
Some people take lodgers all the time, don't they?
Don't we think that's just awful?
But isn't it fairly easy money? One doesn't have to work much, does one?
I think it would be hard to share your house with a lodger, don't you?
I agree; I should think that having a lodger at home strains one's personal privacy, don't you think? Of course, that's different when he or she is there and you're somewhere else, isn't it? It means that you are earning money for hardly anything /and/ keeping your house more secure than if it were left with no one, does it not?
I hope that you have a wonderful time, Clary; what part of the trip are you anticipating the most? Does anyone else here like that region of Asia?
I haven't been to Asia except in my mind, but my mind has seen a lot, hasn't it?
Ah; that's the wonderful thing about the imagination, is it not?