Blaine, am I stalking you? Did you see my response on the word association game? Doesn't Blaine have a good idea? Why don't you start a new game? Did I say welcome to A2K???
could you confuse me even more??
Did I confuse you? How can I help?
Can I make a statement here w/o ruining this game?
What do you all think folks, shall we let him?
How do you view new entrys on this thread w/o having to leave this site?
Do you see the "New Posts" think on the upper right of your screeen? Do you know that's the best way to see all new posts in every catagory? Is that what you mean?
Do you think I meant; "on this page, for me to see your next response (for example fealola) I have to leave this page and come back to it?
Do you know you are right about leaving this page and coming back? And do you know if you refresh the page with your browser, any new posts will come up if there are any?
Do you know I'm an idiot and don't know how to refresh with my browser?
Do you know I just figured it out and would like to thank you?
Blaine, what browser are you using?
is it internet explorer? opera? another?
Do you know I'm glad to hear you figured it out, Blaine?
Isn't that great? Are we glad? Don't we like new people?
Isn't it great fun to have new word game players?
I think more is merrier, wouldn't we all agree?
Did you know I have never clicked on the refresh button? ever? even now?
Do you think Blaine really likes this thread? Do you know he never wants to leave?
More Is often merrier, non e' vero?