Don't I wish I had Fealola's outlook? Why must I always have such a pessimistic attitude? I wonder if it's because spring and fall are so fleeting and winter never seems to end?
Could it be that you are just not Fealola? And maybe she doesn't get winter, isn't that possible? Could she live in Florida, or the West Indies, or Papua Niugini, do you think? Would you like to live in the tropics?
Don't get winter? Do you know I was buried by winter for decades?
Would I like to live in the tropics? Would I love to live in Hawaii where the balmy breezes blow with a sweet fragrance in the air? Why would you even ask such a question?
Do you think we can put it off until next year? Don't you think there's a possibility that spring will make a difference in our present attitudes?
Do I actually want to go to the tropics? I'd like some friends to visit me in my area, wouldn't I?
Is that an invitation, Osso?
Well, sure it is, is it not?
Did I miss a party invitation?
Hey, wanna crash it together, ebeth?
Yes, come to the SF gathering and then take a very nice 5 hour ride north... but I'll have to do a doghair cleanup, so let me know, won't you?
5 hours? Boy, California is reeaally big, isn't it?
California isn't too far away from Hawaii, is it? Why do you want to clean up the dog hairs, Osso? Don't you know I love dogs and that would never bother me? Don't you know I would love to join you all in San Francisco?
Did you know my drive home from the Madison gathering was about 18 hours?
How many days did it take?
Haven't you heard that the drive through Chicago felt like a lifetime?
I believe you; I dream about driving through Chicago and when I lived there I wasn't old enough to drive... was I?
Raggedy, it would be neat if you could make it, wouldn't it?
Is'nt it more fun if you go through the alphabet while asking the next question, like who's line is it anyway did?