I like kiwi fruit; but isn't the greatest fruit the pineapple?
(In New Zealand we call the fruit kiwifruit - a kiwi is either a bird or a person like me and it cracks us up to see American recipes that say things like peel two kiwis.)
Being a Kiwi do I have to work only in the dark? Must I be a boring colour? Can I not be smoothskinned instead of prickly?
Is it very troublesome to be a boring colour? Would you rather be a hairy green fruit? Wouldn't it be preferable to be a kea? And are pineapples the ultimate fruit - or mangoes?
Can you drop mangoes off the list and put peaches?
Can anyone like mangoes? Are they really good for eating? Does one need to have grown up with them to enjoy them perhaps?
How did you know that I have a halved pineapple in the fridge?
Didn't I grow to love them when I lived in India? And aren't peaches yummy too?! Didn't you know ehBeth that I can always see into people's fridges? There's something naughty and full of calories there too, isn't there?
Are you all STILL talking???
You've been away a long time, haven't you? Are you back for long now? We're happy to see you again, aren't we?
Was it long? Are you really happy? Have you been having fun without me?
Didn't it seem long to you? Some of us have had fun, but isn't it nice to be missed? Why wouldn't we be happy to see you? Were you on holiday?
Didn't it seem like an awfully long time that Fealola was away? Didn't she know that we would miss her?Doesn't she know how happy we are to see her back at A2K?
Holiday? Well, don't you know I wish? Has anybody invented any new games while I was gone??? Do you know I saw that kev dropped out of 20 questions? Is this what happens when I'm not around to keep things in line? ??
Kev got fed up with waiting for people to post, didn't he? Are you going to force him back to the game? We obviously need your big stick, don't we?
Do you think Kev might return to 20 Questions now that Fealola has returned? Do you know, that's what I think?
do you think kev is pouting? Isn't spring beautiful in the "burgh"? and fall? Do you know I don't miss the winter and the humid summers? Do you know I do miss the lightening bugs and we don't have them here?
And why is spring beautiful in the Burgh? Because the winter is so icy, snowy and cold? Do you know, I don't recall when last I saw a lightening bug?
Where are you, Fealola, that you can miss winter? What wouldn't I give to miss winter?!
Don't you like the fresh breezes? The daffodils popping up? Taking off the boots and coats? The buds on the trees? Do you remember the voice of Bob Prince on the radio from Florida signalling the end of winter? The rushing Creeks (Cricks) and Rivers? The florescent green new grass and leaves? The Big Melt-- the crunch of the cinders as you walk on the wet road? Nut Roll at Eastertime!
Don't you like the fresh breezes? The daffodils popping up? Taking off the boots and coats? The buds on the trees? Do you remember the voice of Bob Prince on the radio from Florida signalling the end of winter? The rushing Creeks (Cricks) and Rivers? The florescent green new grass and leaves? The Big Melt-- the crunch of the cinders as you walk on the wet road? Nut Roll at Eastertime?
What is a lightening bug?
Aren't I pleased with my 3 dozen daffs in a blue jug in the sunlight? But isn't it just too bloody cold?