Sat 3 Jan, 2009 10:50 pm
I CANNOT believe that my beloved Colts just got beat by the Chargers - what a friggin' joke.

I guess we'll find out. I am still in mourning - give me until the morning and I will let you know....
How in THEE world did you become a Dolphins fan?
itsa long story.
(sorry bout the jayhawks ripping the vols, btw...)
Great game. Its bittersweet as I love the Colts. They have proven to be the blessed evil-Patriot slayers in the past. Manning and Dungy are class-act legends. But at least for today ... BOLTS RULE.
ehhhh...**** happens. The Prof - not happy - to be sure. Me? Basketball does not do it for me.
So - I need to see who's still in the running - I feel like I should be happy for my little bag boy at Publix - since he is a huge Charger fan...but honestly - I believe that talking smack is only enjoyable when my team is WINNING. I am gonna' have to eat crow...I hate that.
@Parker Cross,
Quote: Manning and Dungy are class-act legends. But at least for today ...
Truly you are right...I love my Peyton - and Dungy - just the NICEST...oh well... (heavy sigh)
Worse than a joke... what's it supposed to take to get called for grounding any more?? I'd have been calling Rivers for it all night long.
I'll let ya tag along as a Fish fan, but you must promise not to ever say "saban"...
mismi wrote:
I CANNOT believe that my beloved Colts just got beat by the Chargers - what a friggin' joke.
I am no football fan by any stretch of the imagination, but the Chargers
are our home team and as such, I am happy!
Don't get me started on the refs... I am already a potty mouth and that is so unlady like.
Well...seeing as I am NOT much of a Saban fan...(he is so CRANKY) I think I can adhere - but I am not convinced about the Dolphins yet, I said...give me until morning...bud lite and all that you know...
Oh Jane - well - seeing as they are your home team - I am happy for you (and Joey - my bag boy) but am still quite sad for Peyton and Lovey. I mean really - these two - well - there are no words. Precious. Precious. Precious. It's the closest I can get to what they are.
I don't know who Peyton or Lovey are, mismi. In the end, your favorite team
might go to the super bowl - the Chargers are just lucky at times, they never really go anywhere....
If the Chargers hadn't made so many mistakes, it would of been an ass-whupping instead of just a victory.
Here's a breakdown of the Charger's "luck:"
Rushing: Chargers - 167; Colts - 64
Chargers Punter Mike Scifres: All 6 of his punts left the Colts within the 20 yard line, and two had them just about on the goal line.
As for the Refs:
The three penalties that cost the Colts the game in OT (two defensive holds and a facemask) weren't, in the least, questionable as repeat replays showed.
It's tough when your team loses but the better team won in this game. It wasn't luck.
The Chargers make a lot of mistakes, as they did today, and this is why it is highly unlikely that they will advance beyond this round. I'm sure they felt good in this game though.
Heard Bradshaw and company discussing playoff overtime format. Should both teams get a chance? I say yes. Eventhough, both teams battled it out for sixty minutes, and, eventhough the defense is suppose to step up, I feel a coin toss decided last nights game.
One Manning down.
One to go.
What is happening to Rockheads Dolphins.
They got caught in a tuna net, apparently
Go Titans!
4 good reasons not to have C Pennington as your playoff QB...