Sat 27 Dec, 2008 09:24 pm
it breaks my heart on a very odd level that people truly care about who is married to who, who is having sex with whom and how they choose to carry on their relationship.
Anyone with half a brain knows that marriage today is more about legal issues then anything else. It is about sharing insurance, purchasing things together, adopting kids, credit.. etc.. etc.
Marriage is not all about religious reasons anymore. As adults we should be allowed to marry whom ever we want for legal reasons.
If you love someone, you dont have to marry them to prove that. Though some people want to, and I can understand that as well.
I just dont get the people who think it is wrong, who will create and / or support laws against it or who will try to put religious rules in the the equation so that they can say No to gay marriages.
Those kinds of people disgust me .
It is no ones business who loves who, who is married to who and who wants to BE with who.. Unless you share that bed, it is not. your. business.
Good photoset, enjoyed it.., and yes, touching.
There is a TV series, Boston Legal, in which two attorneys were the best of friends, and straight. The older of the two, fearing he would be overtaken by alzheimer's, wished his money to go to his friend, and did not want the government to grab onto a huge chunk of it. So, he explained this to the other lawyer, and then proposed marriage, to ensure the money went directly to him. They had a fanciful meeting with the Supreme Court and got some sort of special exeption that allowed the marriage. I says, well, if a man and a woman could do it, why not two guys. At the end of the series, they were dancing a two step, arguing who should lead.