I got a Toni Doll from my parents, around 1950, related to the Toni commercials of the time, looked at it and put it aside. Might be priceless by now, maybe not, either way there's some irony there.
Gift giving is interesting, say.. at work. People are sometimes from different backgrounds and even within the same background, often on different tracks. I kind of like the variations from the usual acceptable stuff, especially if meant well. Not from condescending oh, lookee here - but, a window.
I still remember the (fill in word for caftans for women) my niece's mother gave me from Liberia, let me guess she chose that on prompting. They were immensely too large for me. I ended up giving them to my cousins, both taller women than I am. Let me guess they're gone. Now I wish I had kept them, me the keptomaniac. They were polyester, bla bla, but they were of a place and time. and now, of her.
So, a piquance for looking at odd gifts...