Wed 17 Dec, 2008 12:39 pm
A bakery refused to decorate a birthday cake with the wish "Happy Birthday Adolf Hitler CAmpbell". The family, from Easton Pa. was incredulous that the bakery refused to decorate a cake for their three year old son with the unusual name. Little Addie's father, Pol Pot Campbell, (just kidding) Heath Campbell stated, and I quote;
"I think people need to take their heads out of the clouds theyve been in and start focusing on the future and not the past"
So, I imagine that theyve given serious consideration as to how, by naming their kid after some maniac of history, thye ensure that their child will have no self esteem problems as he grows up.
these people are great
The Campbell's other two children are JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell.
(Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell, named for SS head Heinrich Himmler)

Heath Campbell, with his wife Deborah and son Adolf Hitler, 3
I can only gaze at the screen in stupefaction.
EAston Pa is a little hole of a town next to an entrance gate to New Jersey. It is the home of Lafayette College, Crayola Crayons and "Peeps"(an easter candy made of gelatinized sugar crap). The town was famous for its shad run and a barge canal that ran beside the Delaware until someone invented Macadam.
The Campbells apparently have no common sense that we can detect. Its either that, or they are all skinhead nation dwellers.
Imagine the shame the kid will face when he realizes he was named after Glen Campbell, that damned sot.
I'm beginning to understand why some countries have laws about what you can and can't name your kid.
Daddy Campbells parent should have named him "DOUCHE BAG CAMPBELL"
This should be considered child abuse. It's like naming a child Satan or Beelezebub or tattooing him with 666 on his forehead. You condemn the child to beatings, rejection and teasings by others. Who is going to invite a kid with this name to a birthday party or a picnic at the beach? What will happen once he gets a driver's license? Every cop will want to give a ticket to Adolph Hitler. Even the white, blonde, blue-eyed kids will keep away in order not to tainted by the association.
@Green Witch,
Hopefully, he will just get Adolph Campbell.
worse than a boy named Sue.
@Green Witch,
It is sad when parents do **** like this. The father looks a little dim, according to the newspapers he IS a white supremacist. Most fo thos types are easily manipulated and could have just as easily been conned into becoming a follower of Jim Jones . Too bad the kids have to wear the fathers idocy.
I hope that they wont make it difficult fore thew kid to get a name change when the harrassment begins.
Is it just me, or does this kid not look like Damien in "The Omen"?
It's all for you Damien, it's all for you.
SOMEBODy needs to "shop in some red eyes and a caption like
"EVErything is on plan Father"
I hope he grows up and marries a black Jew. Kinda stick it in their faces.
NickFun wrote:
I hope he grows up and marries a black Jew. Kinda stick it in their faces.
Plus she plays in a band called Gypsies.
and is bisexual, and turns him onto it too.....
@Green Witch,
Green Witch wrote:
This should be considered child abuse.
I completely agree. My heart breaks for that child.
Not excusing the self-centered stupidity of the parents, but have you considered that in the world young Adolf grows up in will be populated largely by people where the name Adolf Hitler doesn't have the same resonances it had to previous generations? I mean the USA had a sitcom about prisoner of war camps less than 25 years after VE day. Now if they had called him 'Osama Bin Laden Campbell' or 'George W. Bush Campbell'....
I somehow think that the name Adolf Hitler will have "legs" for several centuries. After all, it IS the defining name that triggers Godwyns Law.