farmerman wrote:"I think people need to take their heads out of the clouds theyve been in and start focusing on the future and not the past"
So, I imagine that theyve given serious consideration as to how, by naming their kid after some maniac of history, thye ensure that their child will have no self esteem problems as he grows up.
Though my life I'v seen too many without regards to reality, very poor preception of even the simplest of situations, people in general lack rationallity in differen aspects of life, so said, I do too.
I see many named Alexander, though Alexander the Great slaughterd many civilians of cities to make an example to other cities not to resist, in that most of us are selective about what we "choose to see", like if our best friend do wrong, we won't judge him as harsh as if someone we in the first place hate and abhore, then we would judge him harsher for the same wrong doing.
To play the devils advocate, I don't really see that Adlof Hitler was this great tryant and madman, as so many likes to belive he was. He waged war like any US president likes to wage war, even waging a more civil war, with less rape, plunter and murder, but where the greatest anger lies with Hitler, is the consentration camps, oh, those consentration camps which USA also had for the native americans? Sure Hitler killed more in a shorter time in consentration camps, but only because of advanced technology which others didn't have, and a greater area of inhabitants to deal with.
Hitler paved the way for many benficial things, like motor ways, rockets, jet power, cars for the lowest social groups ..etc.
We as humans must not give in to blind hate, caused by stupid propaganda, we must we wise and think. Not react with emotion, but reason. We must let go of our grudge and hatred and fill us with constructive thinking.