@Region Philbis,
Quote: Reyn wrote: don't own a cell phone of any kind.....and don't intend to get one in the future.
same here...
well a year ago i caved and got a smaht phone... i rarely use the phone feature, however -- jespah can attest to that... i've called her maybe 5 or 6 times, and 2 of those were me inadvertently hitting buttons... i mainly use it as a camera and, of course, to listen to music...
@Region Philbis,
Let me guess? You still have a landline, RP?
hell yeah -- it works when we lose power and there's no wifi...
@Region Philbis,
Lose power.
You mean politically or electrickly?
Lordyaswas wrote:
Lose power.
You mean politically or electrickly?
I think RP is part of the Kennedy family. So politically perhaps?
As I suspected.
I read somewhere that the Kennedy clan has control of all the American wifis. They apparently keep them all in a secret location somewhere near Matilda's Vineyard.
I think it was Matilda.
Over here, if our wifi malfunctions, we just wind the handle on our telephone on the hall wall, and Mrs Wentworth down at the post office connects us up again by pulling out and inserting various plugs.
Quote:I read somewhere that the Kennedy clan has control of all the American wifis.
at one time they had control of all american
wives, too...
@Region Philbis,
it is still one helluvan attractive gene pool
I swear they're magnetized or something
...and possibly cursed considering the number of early deaths and other a-sordid happenings associated with them.
@Region Philbis,
I found my smart phone most useful when I landed in the hospital and then was shipped off to rehab. Most medical facilities have good WiFi and it's free. (although one place required reregistration every 24 hours with a new password...which they assigned.... and it was 48 hours until the same email address could be used again)
It also comes in handy during the night when sleep is elusive. Gives me something to do instead of firing up the comp..
I have an iPad for that....and am on my third iPhone.
Screens are bad for sleep poppet. Maybe try a book?
I have an Apple Remote for a tv and although I’ve gotten used to it, I really hate it.
I had an old iPhone 6. Did not use it much, but basically liked it. Recently, I found that Apple is no longer updating that model, and will not have parts if anything breaks. So I bought a handy dandy 12 which does everything but shine your shoes. AND I HATE IT! Either I am getting addled, or the damn thing is so complicated, that the learning curve is ultra steep. I do most of my stuff on my 24" computer, and that works out just fine for me, as far as visuals.