Reply Tue 9 Dec, 2008 08:16 am

(AP) No fair!

What parent has not heard that from a child who thinks another youngster
got more of something. Well, it turns out dogs can react the same way.
Ask them to do a trick and they will give it a try. For a reward,
sausage say, they will happily keep at it. But if one dog gets no reward,
and then sees another get sausage for doing the same trick,
just try to get the first one to do it again.

Indeed, he may even turn away and refuse to look at you.

Dogs, like people and monkeys, seem to have a sense of fairness.

"Animals react to inequity," said Friederike Range of the University of Vienna, Austria,
who lead a team of researchers testing animals at the school's
Clever Dog Lab. "To avoid stress, we should try to avoid treating them differently."

Similar responses have been seen in monkeys.

Range said she wasn't surprised at the dogs reaction, since wolves
are known to cooperate with one another and appear to be sensitive
to each other. Modern dogs are descended from wolves.

[emfasis added by David]
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Type: Discussion • Score: 2 • Views: 1,435 • Replies: 7
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Reply Tue 9 Dec, 2008 08:18 am
Doesn't surprise me a bit. Doesn't surprise me that they like to chase and eat deer either.
Reply Wed 10 Dec, 2008 04:26 am
Humans dont give proper credit
to animals' minds.
Reply Wed 10 Dec, 2008 07:07 am
Hmm. Maybe that's because they don't hunt, and get their foods pre-killed and packaged for them at the store?
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Green Witch
Reply Wed 10 Dec, 2008 08:03 am
If you think dogs understand inequity check out what a jealous rhino can do:

http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/World-News/<br /> Rhino-Escapes-From-Monarto-Zoo-Australia-On-Stampede-To-Find-His-Cheating-Mate/<br /> Article/200812215175480?lpos=World_News_Second_World_News_Article_Teaser_Region_4&amp;lid=ARTICLE_15175480_Rhino_Escapes_From_Monarto_Zoo%2C_Australia%2C_On_Stampede_To_Find_His_Cheating_Mate

A rhinoceros embroiled in a love triangle has caused chaos after becoming jealous and rampaging after his cheating mate.

In a case of raging teenage hormones, Satara went on a stampede after he smelt his lover trying to cop off with another beast.

"He got a whiff of his girlfriend from across the road who was hoping to have a night with another bull and I think he got a bit jealous," said Peter Clark, curator of Monarto Zoo in Australia.

The 18-year-old smashed through the steel bars of his pen in search his female and sparked a wide-scale search when staff discovered he was still gone in the morning.

Visitors were kept out of the grounds while keepers used a helicopter to locate the white rhino.

Satara had to be shot with a tranquiliser dart to keep him within the bounds of the open-range site but Mr Clark said the dose didn't stop him.

"There was a whole cocktail of drugs in him but he was moving around so much that I believe his adrenaline levels probably counteracted a lot of the drugs," he said.

But despite the rhino's sex-fuelled rage, Satara was not lucky enough to "have a go", said the zoo's chief executive Chris West.

With Satara fathering two calves already, Mr West said the other male was the preferred breeding option.

"This is boy rivalry, he wants to get to the females first, and if we can't let him in with the females, maybe we'll have to give him a cold shower."

Satara was captured in Kruger National Park, South Africa, and brought to Australia six years ago as part of a captive breeding programme.
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Reply Wed 10 Dec, 2008 08:41 am
On TV once, I saw a rhinoceros making love
to a water horse; is that bestiality ?
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Reply Wed 10 Dec, 2008 08:45 am
I read this story and even mail it to family with the commetn of course they would react in that manner.

Having been a dog person all my life and a cat person for many decades the fact that they have complex emotions to many situations similar to human beings is hardly a surprise.

Once a let for a trip after boarding one of my cats so he could get medical treatment at the vet and leaving the other two at home.

I arrived back home before picking up the one cat from the vet and the one household cat that was the friend of the cat still at the vet would not have anything to do with me when she saw I had not return with her friend.

Once I did pick him up and she got done greeting him, she reacted normally to me once more.

Reply Wed 10 Dec, 2008 09:09 am
I doubt that I can convey this in writing,
but, like a fool, I ll do it anyway:

We are all accustomed to the fact that cats r usually very quiet,
ofen shy, independent and keep to themselves; right ??

Years ago, I went to a lady 's house out on Long Island, for the first time.
She had been recommended for alleged witch-like powers of ESP.
I 've been interested in ESP for many decades.
I entered her house, and sat on her sofa,
whereupon her big tom cat approached, sat directly in front of me
locked his eyes into mine, and said:
(that 's a direct quote). I 'm not sure if I got the accent exactly right.

That was a very long word from him.

It kinda blew my mind, at the time.

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