I see that he testified in the KAnsas hearings and , in testimony claimed that he believed that the earth was between 5000 and 100000 years old. Obviously he doesnt even agree with the ID mainstream on that. His YEC "Beliefs" are hardly scientific and his claim that the genome is deteriorating as per thermo. DUHHH. Why doesnt he compae that of a chimp and human qwhere the same genes sequences are preserved in these two different genera. Or how about marsupials and man. Our genome is about 20% repeted in theirs and even more in placentals (25% in mice and 75 in Lemurids and 99% in chimps) The genome is hardly deteriorating. ITS BEING PRESERVED BY EVOLUTION.
His claims about mutations are correct , however , he fails to explain that, even though a mutation can occur by many means, it doesnt affect all somatic cells at once . Consider the fact that an organism is made of gazillions of cells and mutations are mostly point specific. Anything thats deleterious or neuteral or beneficial has to replicate itself into the entire organism to actually express itself.
Anyway Sanford has blown his cred. His plant genetics inventions are handy ag tools and his area as an applied scientist is recognized. His straying out of his field and trying to sound like an expert in population genetics, evolution, and geology is a bit hard to swallow.
Course gunga buys anything thats covered by ARt Bell.