Quote:I find that I like to use emoticons, so as not to be misunderstood.
Yes, me too.
For example, a

= this is not deadly serious. Don't get upset.
I'm joking!
I'm surprised at the number of times that one
can be missunderstood. Then the need to explain:
Hey, I was trying (& not succeeding, apparently!) to be funny! Really!
... and
then the need to explain what was
really meant by that post.
I guess, really, that the confusion which sometimes arises is not so surprising, given the number of different countries represented by posters here. We all have different approaches to humour. What might be funny to me might seem offensive, or completely bewildering to someone else. Subjects that might be "sacred" to some are fair game to others ... Things can get complicated! So sometimes I simply opt for a

, or an

or a

hoping that my post will be crystal clear. It doesn't always work out that way, though!