Fri 24 Jul, 2015 12:10 pm
Sony Pictures Animation plans animated “emoji movie,” starring emoji characters
Sony sees the critical and box office success of Warner Brother's
The Lego Movie (2014) and decides to attempt to pull a oneup.
This could be one of the worst movies of all time and/or the downfall of Sony Pictures Animation.
What did you think of The Lego Movie? Did it live up the hype in your eyes?
Plus, pitch us a movie by using Emoticons then a brief summary to help decipher the plot.

6% Score on Rottentomatoes, this cinematic turd earned $24.6 million.
How could you think anything else? There's posters, moving and static, for the thing everywhere. At least that's the case in Southampton.
I saw a trailer for it when I went to see Cars 3, (not my choice of film btw,) and it doesn't look anywhere near as good as Cars 3 which wasn't really that good.
when your kids get over a certain age, you will be free of having to with such glop.
I wanna see "An Inconvenient Sequel"
Not even when it's free on TV.
edgarblythe wrote:
Not even when it's free on TV.
Reasonable position you have there.
sorr didn't watched lego movie
who knows maybe it will be master pice