@Robert Gentel,
Really - because you strike me as a straight-shooter - so if you say it's really so - I'll believe you.
But I do KNOW I saw a Jimmi Hendrix video that I never saw again one time...and I looked and looked....and I don't do drugs so I know I wasn't hallucinating.
I really do hope this site is fair and equitable to all participants. because I do believe you provide a wonderful service in terms of creativity, etc...and I admire the brain power evidenced here...by you and Nick especially.
But it's hard for me to buy the much lower participation rate in certain categories.
And I don't like feeling like a lesser-valued participant...I mean WHY? Just because I'm not popular?
But you know - I am pretty smart in my own way - and I do know that people who post 25 times a day every day don't just suddenly stop posting. And I know that there are sites where there are forums only certain people see and I know that Intrepid and Setanta alluded to posts that Aiden (note the misspelling) made that I never made or even saw....
You know - whatever - I can be happy with whatever I get and those who know what I don't know - more power to them - but I think you'd be a better site if you treated everyone equally. But then, that's my own bias - I don't go for inequality= never have.