@Bella Dea,
I took the inference that he shot in the direction of the clerk,
but admittedly, the news account is not clear on that point.
It is an open question, as to how far he was from the clerk
when he opened fire, and whether he approached more closely or not.
Quote:why was the clerk being such a smart ass anyway?
That is a manifestation of resistance, and non-acquiescence.
He handled the situation
superbly to
success, altho, sadly,
the robber survived the event; maybe next time, the victim
will use hollowpointed slugs, of sufficient caliber.
The clerk is
PERFECTLY within his rights
to have an intelligent ass. We (the good guys) have
NO duty to cower,
nor to bestow respect upon violent, predatory criminals, as u seem to imply.
The victim has the right to
KEEP HIS MONEY and fight back
(as he
I got the impression that the robber was at point blank range,
directly in front of the victim; that 's how it usually is,
so that the victim can hand over the money, not
send it.
Therefore, shot placement into his chest is e z,
and much nicer than your approach.
Another way to express it is that the victim was
NOT a coward.
The victim shoud be awarded
a few years tax credit,
in consideration of valuable services rendered to the decent people of his community.
Guy walks in, asks for money. Clerk gives money. Robber leaves.
Clerk calls police.
This is very presumptuous; u assume, for no reason,
that the robber will not
kill him
ANYWAY, for the fun of it,
to avoid complaints to police, and to avoid unfriendly testimony in court,
as has happened so many times before;
Y do u assume that ??