Life just is - everything else is just our interpretation of it.
Marriage, Morals, Laws, Committements, Goals, attachments etc...are creations of our own minds. When we 'overthink' things, are we not thinking about these creations of our own minds (or other peoples minds)?
We feel, and those feelings, while they exist, are generally based on our interpretation of occurrences in life, pitted against the creations of our own minds.
...often those creations of our own minds become more 'real' than the simple fact that life is, and more real than our own basic human nature/physiology/spirituality.
Is a 'cheating spouse' bad? Or is he/she searching for happiness / trying to fill a void in their life....or does he/she have a distorted 'view' of life (creations of ones own mind?). What if the spouse doesn't like what he/she is doing, think's it's wrong, and is still doing it anyway? Why does it happen this way, and what does it have to do with creations of our own minds Vs our basic human nature / physiology / spirituality ?
Probably many other questions that one could ask...most likely not even along the lines of what I asked above