Thank you for the thumbs up....I often do the same thing.
Heh, yeah "****", I'll add that the whole north/south thing was a pretty serious subject with her {me too, we shared many interests}...we watched "Roots" together...and wow, we had some major debates about that...same with "The Blue and the Gray"....I tended to play devils advocate a lot though to chide her...just a bit. "****" was usually reserved for such instances, and an occasional "Oh, hell", but never more than that.
I have two small kids, and each week they both bring home a "Weekly Reader", I read the articles then ask them a few questions...little bonding thing....and often the same night or next day, BBB or Reyn...Drewdad...will post the main topic of the WR on A2k, I'm always tempted to quote a reply from the WR. {Now that I think about it, I don't think they have been bringing them home this year.}
I have read the Harry Potter series 3.5 times now....I'm nearly to the end of Goblet of Fire, {the 4th book} for the 4th time....I don't brag about that very often either. When I was estimating a house this summer, I noticed they had a room under the stairs...."Hey, a Harry Potter room"...the lady looked at me like I was nuts...."You know...from the movies...my kids watch them."