The 83rd Save Rain Forest Thread

Reply Fri 14 Nov, 2008 02:40 pm
Alex, Jolera Power and Speed are horses competing in an arena {ring} or a cross country obstacles course, where horses are asked to jump varies heights. Not only do the horses and riders need to clear each gate or obstacle, they also must do their round rather quickly. Awsome to watch. Plus, the purses for high end events can range from an 8,000 to a 25,000 dollar {or higher} pay day.

Horses are the most courageous, trusting animals on the planet.

Today is outdoors work for me. Tons more pine needles - and brisk winds expected for the afternoon hours. Maybe i'll wait till tomorrow. Very Happy

Reply Fri 14 Nov, 2008 10:05 pm
Horses gave me my spending money getting through High School. I, and a friend, who is still my friend, trained horses in my part of the country - NE TX.

He was, and is, a couple a years older than me. We would ride together for days at a time in what we called the "Big Country". Owned by a local lumber company, it was thousands of acres of land with no fences.

We rode wild and crazy. One day, after some rain, we were racing along and came upon a wide stream of water. Not slowing, and the creek was way too wide to jump, our mounts crashed into the water - head over heels and we all went swimming. Great fun for all.

One Sunday morning, my friend called me about a horse that the owner wanted trained. I said sure. We hauled our horse trailer over to the place and after about two hours finally got the horse into our trailer with the help of five or six other men. Wow. That was very interesting. We drove back home and parked the trailer with the horse in it under the shade of a tree. Then we left it there for about an hour. We came back with feedgrain sacks and started to rub them over the horses back - the beast tried to destroy the trailer - but we had placed ropes across it's back so it could not jump out. After about a half hour of that the horse finally decided that the sacks would not kill it and accepted the gift. We left and came back about a half hour later and placed a saddle pad on the horse - same story, horse tried to destroy the trailer - until finally accepted the fact that the pad would not kill it. We left and after about another half hour we went back to the trailer and started to rub the animal with our hands - it tried to destroy the trailer again, but after awhile decided that the rubbing felt ok. After another half hour we brought the saddle to the horse and carefully placed it on it's back. The horse went wild and tried again to break out - then, after awhile, it accepted the saddle would not hurt it and stood still. Then, I came after we had managed to girt the saddle and put my weight on the horse - he came unglued and tried to tear ever thing in sight up - untill he finally accepted my weight on his back. Slow process, but after that we opened the trailer - snubbed the horse to our baby and with my partner on our baby I mounted the horse and we started to train it. Never a buck, the horse was trained within two weeks so a child could ride it. We learned later the owner had hired five riders to try and break the animal the day before he called us. The horse had thrown all of them off - never ridden and not broken.

I have trained many horses and none have bucked with me. It's not the thing to do with that type animal.

Well, back to the Rain Forest - all clicked.
Reply Sat 15 Nov, 2008 10:53 am
Horses are wonderful, arn't they? Can't blame the poor guy for not wanting to leave the trailer after the bad experiences he had with 'trainers'. Found that if left alone and able to access the surroundings and humans, horses will either adjust or they won't. Curious and intellligent, 'broken' isn't a word i care to tag on any animal. There were times when my horse decided he wasn't going to trailer. Grain, coaxing, the whole nine yards and Sweet said 'nope'. On those rare occasions, we stayed home.

Our wild rides were done by complete accident. 'Skiing' down shale, swimming in the pond, we crossing a property owners land and the horse decides to run with the herd - me hanging on and loving every second of the trip.

Walking along a path on a quiet day, no noises, just warm weather, acres of land, and the horse stopped - then did a complete 360 and to this day i couldn't tell you what spooked him, or how i managed to stay on his back without sailing in the opposite direction. Me all Shocked

Can't recall any one day that wasn't uneventful. Mostly comical. Bet me Sweet is on the other side right now giggling. Very Happy



0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Nov, 2008 11:01 am
The first portion of the Jolera Power and Speed competition we attended was in effect a technique ride - the horse and rider had to complete 8 (really 11) obstacles/jumps without faults and in under 57 seconds. They could then proceed to the final 6 (9) obstacles/jumps - and their time was the ranking variable.

The connection between horse and rider is awesome.

Mary Alice (my bff of 35+ years) has rescued a couple of horses from the factory - Zeke and Socks - they're both absolute loves. Mary Alice and I spend a lot of time talking about Zeke and Socks in between events at the Royal. I enjoy hearing about how they're doing, and she loves to speak about them. Good peeps at her house in the country.
Reply Sat 15 Nov, 2008 11:23 am
The Wildclickers have supported 2,920,026.5 square feet!

Marine Wetlands habitat supported: 218,045.6 square feet.

American Prairie habitat supported: 68,425.2 square feet.

Rainforest habitat supported: 2,633,555.7 square feet.


not a horse I know, but a great pic

Reply Sat 15 Nov, 2008 12:06 pm
God love her, Beth!! My horse was a rescue of sorts, i did purchase him from the 'owner' - he was physically a mess, poor guy. As you well know, horse 'people' will do whatever it takes to keep the animals healthy with good care, lots of love, and attention. They are all quite wonderful.

I can relate to your dear friend. Horses are like our children. We brag on their every achievement {or ours} LOL The rewards are priceless.

The Jolera is awsome! It is impossible to even compete in such an event without the closeness of horse and rider together. Technical, fast, and quite beautiful to watch, the events leave a lasting impression on spectators, and riders as well.

The extent of competiton for my horse was Trail. He did very well, but because he was Standard and Quarter, he lost points for 'head bobbing' {a Walking Horse natural movement}. I'm not certain if NATRC rules have changed since. Endurance riding is very taxing on both horse and rider, but Sweet and daughter were magnificent, imo. Very Happy

0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Nov, 2008 12:11 pm
Look at those little faces! What an adorable photo, Beth!
Reply Sat 15 Nov, 2008 10:44 pm
WOW, you ladies are up late tonight!!!!!

G' Night all........
Reply Sun 16 Nov, 2008 11:33 am
g'day WildClickers

georgous weather, warm temps, and the leafs mulchin'

have a marvelous day all ~


Reply Sun 16 Nov, 2008 12:30 pm
Hello everybody. The first inch of snow.
"Sleigh bells ring, are you listening...."
Stradee. I once befriended an appaloosa with an offset eye. About thirty years ago. I was always amazed how many apples she could eat.
Good luck tomorrow ehBeth. Won't the first good frost help you in your allergies?
Until tomorrow.
Reply Sun 16 Nov, 2008 08:29 pm
Alex, my last horse I named "Scorpion" after the book by Will James, had both eyes "glassed" - We call them glass eyes for some reason - I'm not sure why. They were almost white. He was a Buckskin with a white streak on his face. I kept his mane trimmed.

He was a gelding - and really pranced almost sideways during parades into the rodeo arena. One time - my friend and I rode our ponys into the arena backwards. That got everyones attention and applause.

The last bull I ever rode was in Louisiana - I was working on oil drilling rig as a "Rough neck" when in walked a guy who dresses as the "clown" in the rodeo ring. We sat in this bar drinking a lot of beer and I mentioned that I had ridden bulls in rodeos in the past. My roughneck friends backed me. The man said "Do you want to ride one tonight?" Well, of course, I said, "Sure."

At the arena, I had my number to ride a bull. I remember sitting down on the bull's back and getting my hand into the rope - then, for the first time in my many years of riding bulls in rodeos - I felt the strength of the animal under me and for the first time I thought I could be killed by this beast. At that moment I heard over the loudspeaker the announcer saying - "Ladies and Gentlemen, out of shut six will come Red Devil who has never been ridden for eight seconds in three years of rodeoing."

I sort of blanked out - then asked the clown how does the bull react. They usually do the same each time. The clown told me he goes out straight for two jumps and begins to spin left.

I was the first to stay on the bull for eight seconds.

Last one.


PS: Next time I'll tell you about the time the oil well "Blew In" with me in the tower. It jumped past me and blew out the top of the oil well tower. I climbed down the rigging soaked in oil and prayed the thing would not catch fire. After getting down, I, covered in oil, started to turn the valve off at what we called the "Christmas Tree" the stop flow handle - it reduced the flow of oil.

After a few minutes, another roughneck came and helped me.

It turned out ok, no fire. That was my worry.

True story.

All clicked. Happy grin.

Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2008 09:42 am
Another week starting - clicking..................
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2008 05:18 pm
First day at the new job done! it would be great if they'd given me a hard drive. Hard to read the emails they're sending me without one. A monitor alone just won't do it Laughing
Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2008 08:21 pm
Poor baby, poor baby, poor baby...........

I have to do three poor babies in a row to please my Patti - so, I'm spoiled. Grin
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Nov, 2008 01:01 am
First day they check you out...second day, the rest of the computer.

It's a rule. Laughing

Stradee's late today. Work, home, kittens and clicking.

Have a good evening all ~


Reply Tue 18 Nov, 2008 07:04 pm
Home again, and clicking.
Went to dance class last night.
I might have been a bit optimistic about how easy it would be to start a new job - even without a hard drive.

Took 'em three hard drives to find one fast enough to handle my job. Good enough. Figgered out the phone codes. Started reading some files and sorting things out. Sorting is going to be a big part of the first few weeks. I am going to be the queen of tabs.

Reply Tue 18 Nov, 2008 07:19 pm
The WildClickers have supported 2,920,263.5 square feet!

Marine Wetlands habitat supported: 218,097.4 square feet.

American Prairie habitat supported: 68,425.2 square feet.

Rainforest habitat supported: 2,633,740.8 square feet.

Reply Tue 18 Nov, 2008 08:23 pm
Great Tuesday clicking all....

Nice to have a fast drive, ehBeth.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Nov, 2008 01:25 am
a2k has a new blue n' green look! cool

Beth, glad the new job finally got up to speed! Very Happy

Three days on the job is enough for me anymore. Tired and going nynite now.


Reply Wed 19 Nov, 2008 10:53 am
Job? Work? What's that?

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