Don't let fear get in the way of your dreams! We have these abilities to create these contexts in which we simultaneously can scare ourselves, while knowing that you're safe. On a meta-level, you should know that everything is fine. That's why we enjoy rollercoasters or scary movies. You enjoy the rush of fear because you know that the fear is in a safe context, thus the appeal of skydiving. So, it is ironic that you fear skydiving, when the appeal of skydiving is the rush of fear. Also, I would like to add that I, coincidentally, quit my job and started my own home-base business online. Don't be afraid of failure. I'm going to be a little in your face and tell you that, that very fear of failure will ensure that you will fail. What you think about, you bring about. Don't focus on what you don't want. Focus on what you do want! Law of Attraction. Look at a few of these quotes and I truly hope they inspire you to pursue your dreams. Don't let anyone or anything hold you back. You can do anything you wish. Just focus on your goals and you will succeed.