Hello? Hello? Where the Hell are the conservatives?

Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2008 05:52 am
It's not that bad. It is America - we have lived through liberal presidents before. You know gloating is such unbecoming behavior. Razz Wink
Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2008 06:13 am
I'm here at last. I spent most of the evening standing in a line waiting to vote. Got in line at 3:40 and didn't get home until 8:15. Didn't feel like powering up the ole computer to check in, so I glanced at the early returns and went to bed.

It was funny, as I stood in line with my wife and son in a light drizzle, I couldn't help but be amazed at the turnout. And then I got to chuckling when I realized that roughly half the people in line were going to be here 4 hours to vote just to have their candidate lose. What a way to waste an evening. Smile

Anyway, congrats to Obama and all his supporters. Hopefully the next 4 years will find less hatred coming from the conservative side than all the hatred and name-calling of the president that came from the liberal side during the last 8 years. One can only hope. Just as I am certain that GWB did what he thought was right as president, I believe Obama will likewise do his best and do what he believes is right. And that my friends is the best we can wish for in a president.

So, from one conservative who happily has shown his face on A2K this fine day after, y'all take care and congrats again to the Obama's and their campaign.
Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2008 07:30 am
Hello? Hello? Where the Hell are the conservatives?

I was in bed. Has something significant taken place during my repose?

I can't imagine any serious alterations to the situations in China, Pakistan, Iraq, Russia, Georgia, South America, Japan, Afghanistan, etc.

I know there's been a drain of power from our side as the price exacted by some of these countries in return for increased contributions to the IMF.

I did notice that the main pledge in the election has already been fulfilled. Mr Obama announced in his speech that change has come.

Anybody on here up for the "calloused hand by calloused hand" scenario?

What a load of hubristic, unintelligible bullshit. It's a sign of insecurity you know.
Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2008 07:38 am
There was no gloating involved in that, Miss Mi. I was just noting the cowardice of so many (among whom i do not include you or the clown) who had such vicious things to say about Obama, but who kept their heads down when the shooting started.
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Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2008 07:38 am
I just heard that a new puppy is on the way to the White House. I bet that made Salinger laugh.

Don't forget boys that he believes in God and his deceased granny watching the jamboree with pride.
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Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2008 07:39 am
Props to Baldimo for answering in a reasonable manner.
Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2008 07:54 am
Well, congratulations President Obama!

He has my full support until he does something incredibly stupid. Let's hope that doesn't happen. It was a long, tough campaign and I am left with the thought "now what?" It seems that the last 2 years have been a continuous fight about who will be a better President and why my candidate is better then yours...

So, now we have a new dawn and soon a new President. I hope in my heart of hearts that Obama is the man he appears to be and that the new Congress doesn't screw things up for him as they are prone to do.

Will he become the Dem rubber stamp that Bush was with a Rep Congress? Gosh, I hope not.

So, congratulations guys, you have earned the Presidency. Bask in it while it's fresh. Let's hope that moving forward the light doesn't fade.
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Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2008 08:04 am
Sorry, I was busy stocking up on ammo.
Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2008 08:06 am
I'm getting ready for 2012 and Hillary Clinton. How's about you?
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Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2008 08:32 am
Hopefully the next 4 years will find less hatred coming from the conservative side than all the hatred and name-calling of the president that came from the liberal side during the last 8 years.

I doubt that you know much at all about the things you speak, and that you are still blinded by looking out of a delusional ideological prism. You see, I actually lived through the history that you are now attempting to revise in effort to expiate your side's bad craziness, and you continue to ignore the hate and divisiveness your side preached over those same eight years or more, and continue to do even to this day.

Many on the Left were accused of treason for protesing the invasion of Iraq even though we supported the invasion of Afghanistan, had our patriotism besmirched for pointing out that the Patriot Act infringed upon our inalienble rights as Americans and were called unamerican for protesting against the roll back by the Bush administration on Habeous Corpus.

Perhaps you did admonish those on your side of the political divide for calling my teammates those things, but I do not remember you raising your voice in protest as you do now in political defeat, so forgive me for believing that your remarks are quite a tad self-servingly sophist, and years too late now to call for the bipartisanship that your opponents wanted and that your side dismissed as personal weakness on our part.

If you are the savant you think that you are, explain how the following remarks do not measure up to the hatred and name calling that you accuse of your opponents.

"When I said during my presidential bid that I would only bring Christians and Jews into the government, I hit a firestorm. `What do you mean?' the media challenged me. `You're not going to bring atheists into the government? How dare you maintain that those who believe in the Judeo Christian values are better qualified to govern America than Hindus and Muslims?' My simple answer is, `Yes, they are.'" --from Pat Robertson's "The New World Order," page 218.

"I tell people don't kill all the liberals. Leave enough so we can have two on every campus - living fossils - so we will never forget what these people stood for."- Rush Limbaugh, Denver Post, 12-29-95

"If the Supreme Court says that you have the right to consensual gay sex within your home, then you have the right to bigamy, you have the right to polygamy, you have the right to incest, you have the right to adultery. You have the right to anything. All of those things are antithetical to a healthy, stable, traditional family and that's sort of where we are in today's world, unfortunately. It all comes from, I would argue, the right to privacy that doesn't exist, in my opinion, in the United States Constitution."- Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA), Associated Press, 04-22-03

"Environmentalists are a socialist group of individuals that are the tool of the Democrat Party. I'm proud to say that they are my enemy. They are not Americans, never have been Americans, never will be Americans."- Rep. Don Young (R-AK), Alaska Public Radio, 08-19-96

"I don't understand how poor people think."- George W. Bush, confiding in the Rev. Jim Wallis, New York Times, 08-26-03

"Get rid of the guy. Impeach him, censure him, assassinate him."- Rep. James Hansen (R-UT), talking about President Clinton, as reported by journalist Steve Miner of KSUB radio who overheard his conversation, 11-01-98

"We're going to keep building the party until we're hunting Democrats with dogs."- Senator Phil Gramm (R-TX), Mother Jones, 08-95

"My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times building."- Ann Coulter, New York Observer, 08-26-02

"Homosexuals want to come into churches and disrupt church services and throw blood all around and try to give people AIDS and spit in the face of ministers."- Pat Robertson again, The 700 Club, 01-18-95

"Chelsea is a Clinton. She bears the taint; and though not prosecutable in law, in custom and nature the taint cannot be ignored. All the great despotisms of the past - I'm not arguing for despotism as a principle, but they sure knew how to deal with potential trouble - recognized that the families of objectionable citizens were a continuing threat. In Stalin's penal code it was a crime to be the wife or child of an 'enemy of the people.' The Nazis used the same principle, which they called Sippenhaft, 'clan liability.' In Imperial China, enemies of the state were punished 'to the ninth degree': that is, everyone in the offender's own generation would be killed and everyone related via four generations up, to the great-great-grandparents, and four generations down, to the great-great-grandchildren, would also be killed."- John Derbyshire, National Review, 02-15-01

"Probably nothing."- Jeb Bush, during his losing 1994 bid for Florida Governor, when asked what he would do for black people, quoted by Salon on 10-05-02

"The homosexual blitzkrieg has been better planned and executed than Hitler's."- Rep. William Dannemeyer (R-CA), The New Republic, 08-01-94

"When lawlessness is abroad in the land, the same thing will happen here that happened in Nazi Germany. Many of those people involved in Adolph Hitler were Satanists. Many of them were homosexuals. The two things seem to go together."- Pat Robertson again, The 700 Club, 01-21-93

"Why is this man in the White House? The majority of Americans did not vote for him. Why is he there? And I tell you this morning that he's in the White House because God put him there for a time such as this."- Lt. General William G. Boykin, Deputy Undersecretary of Defense, New York Times, 10-17-03

[/quote]"We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed, too. Otherwise, they will turn out to be outright traitors."- Ann Coulter, at the Conservative Political Action Conference, 02-26-02[/quote]

"I don't want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub."- Grover Norquist, President of Americans for Tax Reform, NPR Morning Edition, 05-25-01

"Two things made this country great: White men & Christianity. The degree these two have diminished is in direct proportion to the corruption and fall of the nation. Every problem that has arisen (sic) can be directly traced back to our departure from God's Law and the disenfranchisement of White men."- State Rep. Don Davis (R-NC), emailed to every member of the North Carolina House and Senate, reported by the Fayetteville Observer, 08-22-01

"NOW is saying that in order to be a woman, you've got to be a lesbian."- Pat Robertson again, The 700 Club, 12-03-97

Here's my favorite from George Bush, I have enough sense to imagine what the fellows on the Right would say if Obama was to say the same thing.

"I'm the commander - see, I don't need to explain - I don't need to explain why I say things. That's the interesting thing about being the President. Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say something, but I don't feel like I owe anybody an explanation."- George W. Bush, Washington Post, 11-19-02

So Rat, instead of not believing a thing you say without the verification of objective reality, I would rather dwell upon the words of another US president upon which this nation pivoted and began again its march to fulfill it hopeful destiny for all mankind.

With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan--to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves, and with all nations


Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2008 08:48 am
Sincere congratulations to President-elect Obama. I expect that the celebrations over his victory will continue around the world for awhile. We can only hope that his idealism will be tempered with practical judgment. The Left and Democratic Party have achieved control over the Federal government, and now we will see if they can manage any better than the GOP, or deliver on their promises of a rosy future. I still have grave doubts about the ability of this man and his supporters to fulfill their responsibilities to the nation, our values and Constitution. Please, please prove me wrong.
Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2008 08:55 am
The bar is set pretty low for what he has to do better than our current President.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2008 09:27 am
from the few words of president-elect obama i listenend to this morning , i understand that he is NOT predicting a ROSY future , but instead is asking the american people to be prepared for a long uphill battle .
i think he said that not all problems can be solved in one term - he seems to understand that the U.S (and paricularly its economy) is not in very good shape and is tryig to get the american people to also realize that .

did i not understand him correctly ?
Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2008 09:59 am
During a political campaign, all politicians encourage the belief that their election will benefit everyone. The Obama campaign drew much of its strength from the idea that the policies of the past were wrong, wrong, wrong. The expectation fostered was that Obama's election would represent a new era, a new politics that would be everything that past politics was not. The near religious zeal and idealism of Obama's followers has been frequently noted. Like other idealists, Obama's election took on a tinge of the crusade for revolutionary change in the political environment. Obama's election has been sold as a glowing promise that inspires hope and will lead to that rosy future I mentioned above.

Once elected, all politicians immediately reverse themselves and do whatever they can to lower expectations. The lower the expectations, the more less likely the politician is to fail. Further, the lower the expectations and the greater the difficulties and challenges are, the more heroic the politician will later seem, even if he is an utter failure. If the electorate can be convinced to hold low expectations, then almost any small "success" can be magnified to prove how great the administration was.

That's politics, and then there is the untidy problem of dealing with the real world that is beyond the reach of almost any politician. The current financial crisis is the result of any individual, or political party. It is instead a complex intersection of trends that go back to at least WWII inside the American socio-political-economic system, in addition to the interlocking nature of the modern global economy. No single policy got us into this crisis, and no single policy will reverse the trends. Similarly the unconventional war of terrorism that has been declared against the West by the Radical Islamic Movement grew out of how the Cold War was fought, and the creation of Israel by a conscience-stricken world after WWII. The Balfour Agreement during the Great War was an important element, and the antipathy between militant Islam and the Christian West goes back over a thousand years. These are only two of the many problems that every modern American administration must deal with. The likelihood of disappointing an electorate conditioned to happy, neat and tidy solutions at the end of an hour interupped only by a few commercials is almost certain.

Still, for the sake of our country and the world at large, I hope that President Obama's administration will have more courage, wisdom and substance than I've seen so far.
Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2008 10:21 am
First of all, please do tell me how you find the name calling and ridiculing of a president something to aspire to do? I find it only shows what little minds so many people, yourself included, have here on A2K.

I would say the same for those on the right who have done the same toward Clinton and Obama. The hatred and name calling is counter productive to us as a country.

So, I think I know exactly of what I speak, thank you very much. You however seem to be a different story. But I digress. Yes, some conservatives here accused people of treason for their opposition to Iraq. That was shameful and I and others avoided those arguments. I argued against those who stooped to calling Cindy Sheehan names simply because of her activism against the war. I disagreed with her, just as I disagree with much of what Obama advocates, but I do not and will not stoop to the level of hatred that has been written on these boards toward our current president, even though I have disagreed strongly with some of his decisions.

As I stated in my post, I hope conservatives will not go that route, but human nature being what it is, some probably will. Nor did I say that all liberals participated in that behaviour over the last few years. So basically, if the shoe fits, wear it. If not, go about your business happy that you have taken the more intellectually challenging road of disagreeing/arguing policy rather than joining those on the children's playground and calling our leaders hateful names just because you don't like his policy.

Finally, I'm not sure what the purpose of your quotes were for. Since my comment you quoted (without the additional remark that I could only hope that would be the case) was directed at A2K members and what has been said on this board, I don't see the relavance in quoting people from outside the A2K family.

Anyway, whether you wish to believe me or not is of no concern to me and quite frankly will not bother me one little whit. I hope the best for the Obama presidency. He ran a good campaign and will have a difficult task ahead of him. I trust he will do the best he can. He will have my respect even when I disagree with him, which is more than President Bush was given by many of you here on A2K and, just to be fair, more than I'm sure some will give to Obama when he gets into office.
Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2008 10:23 am
CoastalRat wrote:

First of all, please do tell me how you find the name calling and ridiculing of a president something to aspire to do? I find it only shows what little minds so many people, yourself included, have here on A2K.

Yet, sometimes when your frustration has no release for so long (8 ******* years) it is all that you can do to make it through the ****.
Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2008 10:24 am
By the way, where is Real Life? I really want to congratulate "that one."
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Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2008 10:26 am
I can understand being frustrated with a president's policies that you do want to tear your hair out. But what does being mean-spirited and calling him names or being disrectful toward him accomplish on a discussion board? I would submit it does nothing except alienate the president's supporters toward your views and opinions.

Of course, that's just me. I understand that I am an unusual breed of clown. Cool
Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2008 10:35 am
You may be right. I'm just saying, sometimes it isn't so easy to rise above it. Sometimes you gotta let off some steam. And I submit that these discussion boards are the perfect place for that. You can blow off steam, yell, rant, and just be a raving lunatic about it and it all just floats off into cyberspace eventually, where you can forget it was even in your mind. It's kind of like a cyber-enema.
Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2008 10:37 am
kickycan wrote:

It's kind of like a cyber-enema.

Once again, with the libtards, it's always about the anus.
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