Straight men are not going to start having gay marriages Hawkeye10. What behavior is being encouraged by this? Being gay? Is gay sex going to skyrocket if they can marry? I'd like to see the metrics on that.
Hawkeye10 wrote:There is also the possibility that the society majority may be willing to tolerate homosexual activity so long as it remains culturally disapproved and is conducted behind closed doors, which is about where we were fifty years ago. This is a perfectly reasonable balance between the right to be homosexual and the societies right to discourage the practice.
Glad to know you'd be happy to be back where we were 50 years ago. What are you citing in regaurds to "society's right to discourage the practice?" Kind of conflicts with the right to the "pursuit of happiness."
Hawkeye10 wrote:Your premise that homosexual expression is a individual right it wrong.
Unless it's illegal, I'm right. It's not illegal to be gay. Deal with it.
Hawkeye10 wrote:It is according to the Bible a sin, and the founders chose not to explicitly grant homosexuals rights in the constitution.
This is a lie. Explicitly? Do you know what that word means? Please show me where the founders explicitly even referenced homosexuals otherwise withdrawal your statement. Lastly, the bible is irrelevant. It's not a governing document.
Hawkeye10 wrote:Gays claim that they have the right to said expression, you and clearly agree, based upon what I ask you?
Aside from common sense...
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (US signed 1948 Paris)
Quote:Article 16
1. Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.
2. Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses.
3. The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.
None of this excludes homosexuals. You wish to consciously prohibit gays from founding a family.
Hawkeye10 wrote:Why should the majority be forced to put up with this Biblical sin, this behaviour that the founders did not think should be protected, if homosexuality should be against the will of the majority?
Why? Because there is nothing the gays are making you put up with. Nothing. It's in your head. You aren't being asked to be less straight/more gay. You aren't asked to do anything different, you aren't being asked to put up with anything. That's an absurd claim. Can't handle the knowledge that gay people exist? Grow up. It's not the government's job to baby you. Once again, the bible is completely irrelevant.
Hawkeye10 wrote:I would be fine with homosexuals trying to convince the majority, but I am very not fine with being told that homosexuals must be given rights and privileges irregardless of what the majority thinks is best.
What the majority thinks is best? Best for what?
The majority thinks they know what's best for the minority? How do you figure that?
The majority thinks they know best for all? This doesn't effect everyone, it effects the minority.
The majority thinks they know what best for the majority? In this case, nothing changes for the majority! Straight couples don't become any less married if gays marry.
There is no factual, or logical basis for your claims Hawkeye.