Ferostie, Welcome to a2k, and thank you for your service to our country. That the civilian president can involve us into any war is a problem; it should be decided by all three branches of government. False information by the president to involve us in war should be charged with a crime, and put into prison. That's my .02c worth.
I heard something very interesting on the radio the other day. They were discussing the issue of Americans who go to war do not shoot to kill their enemy, and only 25% actually do. This fact has been proven over and over ever since the Civil War where they found 90% of the muskets still had the bullets still in the rifles. Even during WWII, most soldiers did not shoot to kill their enemy. They found this out after some admitted that they could not kill another human. More confessed they also did not shoot to kill. The study found that most men cannot consciously kill another human, even if they are "trained" to kill. The fact that many come back from wars with mental problems probably has something to do with it, but that's only my own conclusion.
I also find it interesting that most soldiers who say they wish to return to Iraq are based on being back with their buddies more than killing the enemy. I don't think I ever heard a soldier say he wants to return to Iraq to kill more of the enemy.
What do you think?