Wed 15 Oct, 2008 04:11 pm
Anyone watching this show (comedy central)? I just watched some clips and laughed aloud at spoof on Maya Angelou's presidential coronation poems.
I'll be checking it out tonight during the premiere. I'll let you know how I like it.
@littlek, more debates - I have heard E - nuff...
But the Chocolate News sounds like it might be quite funny - I love David Allen Greer
Oh crap, I thought it was on after the debate is over. I guess I'll have to check my local listings!
I have no idea when it's on. Don't listen to me!
I've seen an ad for the show. It looks funny, but I don't get that channel.
Do you have cable or dial-up? You can watch clips online.
It's really funny. I can't remember how to post this youtube link as an image so I just put the link. Thanks for posting this topic. We need more humor!
@Cliff Hanger,
You're welcome. Humor is i9ndeed needed more than ever. I'm sick of politics and it seems cj has also gone off his meds.