Nothing wrong with me. i had posted a jocular coment with the title better improvement and under that title i put my nonsensical English about the brazil girs ad.
but my last sentense is somewhat pricking for some moderators.
that read when will the half naked fakir mathma gandhi get some sponsers.
that post was quicklöy deleted and replaced with the death of a poor footbal player in brazil.
I purposely requested/reported that my post is offensive and i should be debared from this podium.
I got an email from the assistence department to air my problems .
I had tried thrice with my cut and paste( no spelling mistake nor any computer mistake) But it has not worked properly.
I have no regrets for my ignorant critical views nor i wish to insult anbody for their views.
I am ready to quit this forum without any anger or animosity.
Kindly think deeply that all souls are not saleable norwithout dignity.
Rama Fuchs 56 josef str 51143 Köln