That was part of the appeal of Lucy, I'm sure. She was a knockout and would do anything for a laugh. I know we're not discussing physical appeal but Lucy was so breakthrough, I just had to mention it.
On the sitcom "Amen" some years ago, there was an episode where the deacons' daughter, played by Anna Maria Horsford, was trying to decide on which outfit she would wear when she gave the reverend of the church, whom she was dating, the ultimatum to either marry her or break up. She was in her bedroom, alone, in a full-length mirror, talking aloud to herself (and the audience), trying on different shoe/hat/belt combinations and it was one of the most hysterical five minutes on television, to me. I laughed 'til I cried and never forgot it.
Gilda Radner, Lily Tomlin, the characters they created for tv were wild and crazy. Who can forget Roseann Rosannadanna or Edith Ann? I've only seen bits and pieces of Whoopi Goldberg's first stage performance but it looks pretty amazing. Here you have a black woman with a towel on her head pretending to be a California Valley Girl. She had it down to a science, too.