thanks...realized that was lacking in puncuation sorry. i'll work on that
but seriously, does canada ever do anything? the only time they're on the news is when they say oh we're neutral. and thats kind of obvious considering they don't have an army that anyone knows of. i bet they're like plotting this big take over and are more advanced than the japanese. it will start with the great lakes where they will build underwater colonies to further their tech. then it will go from there i think we need to like combine our countries just incase and if this isn't the case iit'd be lots of fun exploiting there economy since they don't have much of one exept that whole natn'l health care thing which isn't that bad of an idea
But taking a neutral position can be a very SANE act in these deranged times! I wish the Australian government had had the good sense to do the same & not get involved in Iraq. New Zealand & Canada were so much more sensible!
Ultra Pete is doing great, best investment we ever made. Bought it last year at $6, and last i checked, it was over $14. The Northwest Mounted Police were the equivalent of the United States Cavalry in the settlement history of western Canada. They became the Royal Canadian Mounted Police as a mark of gratitude from the English crown for their services in the Boer war. Currently, their function is much like the F.B.I., although they still do street and highway patrol functions.
In the first world war, the Canadians gave as no other nations gave. With a population of just more than 7,000,000, more than 600,000 Candians were wounded in service in Belgium and France, and more than 60,000 killed. To put that in perspective, equivalent losses by the United States would have killed a million Americans, and wounded ten million ( our actual casualties, killed and wounded, were about 175,000). The horrible butchers bill the Canadians paid in the first world war lead them to concentrate on their navy in the second world war. About 70% of all transatlantic convoys were shepherded by the Royal Canadian Navy. The Brits used to sneer at them for the losses of merchant ships under their protection, while ignoring that the Canadians convoyed more than twice as many ships as England and the United States combined. The English also sneered at them for having "killed" very few u-boats, another disingenuous criticism, as the English appropriated every Canadian destroyer except one, for use in their own "hunter-killer" groups. The Canadians were left to convoy merchant ships with corvettes and mine-layers, so they responded with the development of a new ship, larger, faster and more survivable than a corvette, yet smaller than a destroyer, with the same sub-hunting ability. They named their new ship a frigate, and as it was smaller, they were able to produce the new ship in their Great Lakes shipyards, and float the hull down to the fitting-out docks on the St. Laurent river. (The "Saint Lawrence" Seaway did not yet exist.) Because of the nature of sub-hunting, the Canadians invested a good deal in the "communications suite" of the frigate, and developed closely coordinated maneouvres to a high degree. So much so, that the Canadian Navy was given charge of the sea-borne logistics of the coalition in the first Gulf War.
Yeah, them Canajuns, they never do nothin' . . .
The Canadians have always been one of our best allies. That doesn't mean they must take leave of their common sense to support the dumb things that this president is won't to do. Most Canadians are smarter than our president; that goes without saying.
Not just the Canadians are smarter!
xakyer13 wrote:does canada have anything all the canadians i know just sit around and do nothing which is cool but have any of us seen anything about an election or meetings of politicians i think they just sit around learn improv and move to america if they are good enough...canadians are cool yes but i don't think they have anything do they? i mean it's like one of those abyss things kinda mystical eh?
Canadians do plenty and the reason why you don't read about everything we do is because the media is only interested in printing the bad stuff. You know all that dirt that they love to dig up ;-) Well, my fingernails are clean and it surely isn't because I'm sitting around either. We may not be the richest country in the world, but that's not our goal. We are a compassionate country who is content with what we have. The people here may be friendly and relaxed, but the last time I looked, that's not a bad thing and it doesn't mean we are sitting around doing nothing. Excuse us if we like to stop to smell the roses on our way to work!
American news programs are not known for the stellar world coverage, hell they don't cover much unless it directly affects or could potentially intrest the fickle american market.
I wouldn't put much stock in what the american 'news' outlets choose to cover. CNN is mostly repetitive headlines, hardly new at all. Fox is angry and one sided.
If you want any world or canadian coverage tune into CBC or BBC news. You'll find there's a hell of lot of news or coverage that the american newrooms pay little or no attention to. And guess what, most of it's pretty important.
Ceili, Your 100 percent correct: our news media dumbs down to our level of comprehension, and that's one of the reasons Americans can't understand the difference between truth and rhetoric. They think "patriotism" was invented by GWBush and company. They also don't understand how the Patriot Act has taken away many of our legal safeguards against government intrusion into our private lives, but still continue to believe it helps us against terrorism. It's really frustrating for some of us that understands what's going on in the "real" world.
Xakyer13 - you be an evil person! You'll fit right in.....heehee....
Ceili is right, even if I am now stereotyped as fickle. I love Shakespeare.
Setanta wrote:Damn Canajuns . . .
Damn feriners . . .
Now there's a "Yank" for you, eh?
can't even spell 'furiner'!
Mind ya, he seems to know a thing or two 'bout Canajan "Grit"!
[I think our secrets are 'safe' with xaker]
Canadians 'do' what makes sense, because we 'want' to!
And Hark, what light through yonder window breaks?
it is the east (south) and NNY is our (honourary) son! (son of a beaver!)
<cav quietly takes notes> heh heh....<too early for a muahaha>
and, speaking of C'najuns 'not doing anything', who else would be crazy enough to risk their lives flying to the south pole to evacuate a seriously ill American scientist? "Aw shucks folks, just doin' our job."
Allright, forthright, upright and outta-sight!
We are Canajuns!