Wed 20 Aug, 2008 03:30 pm
It seems I pushed an update that caused major problems, in that none of you could create new threads. I believe I have fixed this, but will keep a close eye on things. We are making improvements as fast as possible, and sometimes that means accidentally pushing code live that hasn't been 100% tested. Sorry for the hassle.
No worries here, but another thing while ya might be coming back here.
The view counters have seemed stagnant all day.
@Nick Ashley,
Thanks for the "heads-up" Nick!
Keep plugging away! We'll all get over it in the end.
Good catch. This should be operational again.
@Nick Ashley,
Hey Nick, I created a What's New? thread where you and Craven can post all your updates and bugfixes in one spot so it will be easier for all of us to keep track of them and keep updated on the changes.
You'll find it here.
@Nick Ashley,
Dammit! I expect perfect performance from my free services!