Abba, leader of the pack, 110 pound, 9 year old male kuvasz, righteous, brave, bold and loveable.
Aja(II), second in command, 100 pound female kuvasz, 8 year old bright, sensitive and inquisitive. .. can open door-handles (any of them).. with either her snout, paws or mouth.
Ami, baby of the kuvasz pack, 90 pound female kuvasz, 1 year old, gentle strong and sweet, foster mom to our new puppies, Happy and Hannah
Little Bit, queen of the couch, 7 pounds, 7 year old chihuahua, kind of heart, and disciplinarian to the puppies, Happy and Hannah.

Happy, 30 pounds, 5 month old male springer/britany mix, ball of fire, Ami's shadow

Hannah, 30 pounds, 5 month old male springer/britany (rotweiller?) mix, gentle and sweet, daddy's girl.

the freshly clipped kuvasz gang, none of whom like thunder.
Happy and Hannah are from the same litter but likely Happy is an offspring of the Springer and Britany Spaniels, but Hannah looks like she is the progengy of the Springer female and a male Rotweiller.

Aja the First.

Kodi, Queen of the Kuvasz