Suggestion: Open (not anonymous) thread voting.

old europe
Reply Mon 18 Aug, 2008 06:44 pm
That would make a nice sig line....
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Aug, 2008 06:50 pm

So why are you suddenly concerned about new users?

Well, because new users have come along and breathed life into many discussions which previously only had a few interested participants. As those threads aged and only a few people talked in them, they struggle along for a while, and fresh blood or new events which happen would reinvigorate those threads. This has lead to some truly epic discussions on some topics which wouldn't seem to be of that much interest to the vast majority of posters in the forum.

I'm not sure that will happen any longer. But, who knows? If the general attitude displayed by people is 'like it or lump it,' then I guess that's exactly what I will do. I'm tired of arguing this point back and forth with people who cannot see that the changes are not a completely positive thing, which is frankly a ridiculous view.

Reply Mon 18 Aug, 2008 06:51 pm
Cyclo wrote:
I should clarify - I've never seen another discussion forum set up in this way. Obviously, tags are used for other systems... but what affect do they have on long-running conversations

I should have clarified too - the tagging system is used in our Intranet for so-called "blogs" - which (just to make things more complicated) are not running blogs about all kinds of things by one person, but basically individual blog posts that people can post within their community. (I think TPMCafe uses "blogs" in the same meaning, might be wrong.) So quite a lot like a forum, actually.

The communities in turn can be set up at will to incorporate any desired combinations of users from wherever on a thematic basis -- and can in turn be found back through ... tags.

Like I said, I dunno, but seems like it might well be the new standard - (good point of Old Europe's about Gmail too) - in which case we might as well get used to it now Very Happy
Reply Mon 18 Aug, 2008 06:52 pm
I'm tired of arguing this point back and forth with people who cannot see that the changes are not a completely positive thing, which is frankly a ridiculous view.

whoa, cyclop. you mean people who are so dumb they feel differently than you?
because i do.
Reply Mon 18 Aug, 2008 06:55 pm
whoa, cyclop. you mean people who are so dumb they feel differently than you?
because i do.

Why don't you go ahead and point out which post of mine led you to believe that this is an attitude I either hold or was attempting to display, please? For I believe that I have said nothing of the sort whatsoever, and you really ought to either clarify or retract this comment. I've never called anyone in this thread 'dumb.' In fact, I've argued the exact opposite - that those who are good at this sort of thing aren't taking into account that those who are not may not have as easy a time using the new system as they think.

Grrr Evil or Very Mad

0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Aug, 2008 06:56 pm
Uh, baseless?

I'm all for new users! Bring 'em on. Love the newbies.

I just find it at least debatable that the newbies will actually have a harder time with this site than with the old one. Some of the reasons for why it's reasonable to think that they may have an easier time have been laid out.

Ah well.

Reply Mon 18 Aug, 2008 06:57 pm
If the incessant whiners on this thread would spend a fraction of the time they spend whining, learning how to change THEIR OWN PERSONAL SETTINGS; most of their complaints would vanish.

Enough with the BS worrying about what newbies will think; that is Craven's concern, not yours. He is the one betting his livelihood on the site, not you.

You can (or will soon be able to) do everything you could before, save annoy people who don't wish to see your posts. Everyone who wants to can. Demanding that Craven provide you not just a medium to broadcast your wisdom; but also that he should feature it is absurd. He's explained a dozen times (that I've seen) that the voting system doubles as an assistant to moderation duties, which will make the site more viable in the future. His future, remember, this is his livelihood every bit as much as it’s our playground.

If there is something disgusting going on here; it is the ungrateful bickering that he's forced to absorb. Every business man who's ever worked with the public can tell you how loathsome the phrase "you know what you have to" becomes. But this is that on steroids and Cyclo you will probably be ashamed of yourself for making such a scene when you figure out just how unfair you're being. You should at least have the decency to withhold some of your righteous judgments until you've at least figured out how the damn thing works.

I didn't like it at first either: This was due to my own preconceived prejudices about how stuff should work, based on an ignorance of how much better they can work now. The difference is I withheld judgment long enough to learn... and learned that this new format kicks ass in at least a half a dozen ways I didn't realize while I was contemplating bitching. But even if I never learned to like it as much; that doesn't mean the proprietor of the site doesn't have every right to run it as he sees fit. Or that he doesn’t have an obligation to himself to do so.

When I was in the restaurant/bar business; I'd wager 95% of my customers and employees alike all knew how to run things better than me... and they couldn't wait to tell me how. And it's good business to listen and sometimes even feign interest (not that you don’t get some good tips here and there, but that’s neither the point nor the problem), but it sucks. It sucks big time. At the end of the day; the man who pays the bills has to make the best decisions he can... knowing full well; close to half his customers will disagree with nearly every decision. The most adamantly opinionated on how someone else should spend their money are the most asinine of the bunch.

Give the man a friggin break and maybe he'll be able to address actual problems instead of coddling your selfish, ungrateful ass.
Reply Mon 18 Aug, 2008 07:00 pm
Uh, baseless?

I'm all for new users! Bring 'em on. Love the newbies.

I just find it at least debatable that the newbies will actually have a harder time with this site than with the old one. Some of the reasons for why it's reasonable to think that they may have an easier time have been laid out.

Ah well.



Yes, I agree, it is debatable - and that's exactly what we are doing! My frustration stems not from opposite points of view, but from statements that concerns such as the ones voiced by myself and several others (such as ebrown or mctag) are whining. They aren't whining. If I didn't give a damn about this site I wouldn't bother trying to make posts discussing ways to make it better. I would just leave.


0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Aug, 2008 07:01 pm
Cyclo wrote:
I'm tired of arguing this point back and forth with people who cannot see that the changes are not a completely positive thing, which is frankly a ridiculous view.

WAY to set up a straw man. I havent seen anyone, not a soul, argue that.

Even on the scale of rude put-downs (DrewDad levelled a few of those at you, but I cant remember anyone else) to patient, lengthy and reasonable explanations and arguments (of which there have been plenty, and which a bunch of us spent a lot of time writing), it's totally up to you to choose what to focus on.

(See, the new system would allow you, if you chose to use it, to just thumb down the posts you think are rude, and concentrate your answers to the many other posts where people are engaging your complaints and arguments reasonably and at length. Just sayin'.)

Actually, yeah, before I sign off let me end this on a bit of a rant. If you're smart, you'll make sure you read/respond to any or all of my previous responses where I tried addressing your various beefs one by one, before focusing all your attention on the more impolitic address that is to follow. But yeah, I have to get this off my chest:

Cyclo wrote:
I have read several posts from frustrated users in the last few days. Most of you guys just don't seem to give a damn about their frustration, and that's sad, really. Instead of being critical of them, you might want to try listening and looking at things from the point of view of people who aren't as good at navigating around websites or learning new systems as you are.

Dude. In thread after thread after thread after thread (just click the "able2know" tag if you want to see them all), Craven, Nick and Jes, but also regular users like Soz, Thomas, and dare I say it, me, have explained the same things over and over and over again -- also to the people who didnt read any of the previous threads and started their own to complain, or who didnt read the previous pages of a thread and brought up the same subject again.

I have watched with admiration how Craven tackled each individual question he came across, even the ones that were no more articulate than "Waaah I hate this site why have they ruined it f*ck you!", which I myself would have just ignored. Even in this thread, you have had the choice between focusing on, say, DrewDad's insults or focusing on the countless posts that have by now been made explaining, once more, solutions to some of the problems you encountered, and arguments for why some of the solutions you suggest would be a cure worse than the illness (what's that expression?).

Meanwhile, the reverse holds for you. There are features that you really dont like, and you demand your arguments to be heard, acknowledged, listened to and acted upon. Rarely, however, have you acknowledged that there's many others (just as many? almost as many? more?) who like those exact features you want out, or who would be horrified at some of the solutions you suggest (such as listing the people who voted a topic up or down) -- or been willing to adapt your own suggested alternatives accordingly. I would not be surprised if a future thread of yours or Ebrowns reiterating these complaints will, for that exact reason, not be taken as painstakingly serious as many have responded to this one, at length.
old europe
Reply Mon 18 Aug, 2008 07:02 pm
Well, I've been given this rather interesting book called Dreaming in Code (not that I'm a geek or anything, mind you!)

One of the topics that were touched was the trend towards "siloless" navigation. There was talk about how computers, essentially since decades, were set up with a "silo architecture". Meaning that you put information in one place - a folder, a file, whatever.

In the real world, however, information is treated differently. For example, there's the possibility that you're working together with a bunch of people who also happen to be your friends. Doesn't mean that all your friends are your colleagues, or that all your work mates are your friends.

And therefore, the argument went, tags were a much more realistic description of reality than folders....

0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Aug, 2008 07:06 pm
Bill, why don't you just dial it down a bit as well, mkay? I think that if you review the thread, you will see that what started out as discussion about the ups and downs of, well, the ups and downs we now use, quickly devolved once certain posters accused others of whining, which you have just done again.

I'm not talking about this stuff because my personal ability to use the site has been impacted overly, there are some annoyances but I'm relatively sure that most of them will be solved, as Craven has directly addressed the concerns I had listed in another thread. I'm just worried about how these changes are going to affect the site as a whole.

Do me a favor - point out what my 'righteous judgments' are, will you? For I think that you have resorted to exaggeration in trying to get me to quit talking about the concerns I have, when you could have easily... not have read them if they didn't interest you.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Aug, 2008 07:16 pm

Meanwhile, the reverse holds for you. There are features that you really dont like, and you demand your arguments to be heard, acknowledged, listened to and acted upon. Rarely, however, have you acknowledged that there's many others (just as many? almost as many? more?) who like those exact features you want out, or who would be horrified at some of the solutions you suggest (such as listing the people who voted a topic up or down) -- or been willing to adapt your own suggested alternatives accordingly. I would not be surprised if a future thread of yours or Ebrowns reiterating these complaints will, for that exact reason, not be taken as painstakingly serious as many have responded to this one, at length.

Nimh, I respect you probably more than any other poster here. But this is a bunch of bullsh*t. I haven't demanded that anyone do anything, I have voiced an opinion that others obviously disagree with, and several of you have spent the entire thread beating me up for my opinions. I don't need to hear from you or anyone else what the best way to navigate the new site is, or how the changes are going to make things better, or how much you love the new site. I've acknowledged that there are plenty of things to like about the new site and said that with some small changes every one of my complaints would probably be solved, and I've even said that I'm not going to stop coming here no matter what they decide to do. I'm just worried about the effects that the changes have, have suggested some ways that it might be better, and goddamnit, this is the time to do it, while the site is still under construction. A good example would be when Thomas and I talked about how the benefits of making 'newest post' the default in tag views could help. I'm not trying to be confrontational, or talking about how the site is ruined or any of that bullshit.

Man. There are a few of you guys who seem to have made it your mission to keep posting away at anyone who is not entirely pleased with the new site until they either agree with you or shut up and leave. I wouldn't be proud of that behavior myself. I haven't demanded **** from anyone or pronounced doom on anything or whined about one thing. But I have been chided and insulted for having different opinions.

Reply Mon 18 Aug, 2008 07:17 pm
DrewDad's insults

Wait just a damn minute! I resemble that remark!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Aug, 2008 07:19 pm
it most certainly isn't whining, as one rude poster suggested.

Suggested? I stated it flat out.
Robert Gentel
Reply Mon 18 Aug, 2008 07:20 pm
I wouldn't be proud of that behavior myself. I haven't demanded **** from anyone or pronounced doom on anything or whined about one thing.

Yeah nimh! You should act like this.

Cycloptichorn wrote:
Nothing you wrote in your last post directly pertains to what I was writing, and I am forced to believe that you are being deliberately disingenuous. So I'm going to vote your posts down from now on every time I see them. As there is no ToS currently, and people shouldn't care, it shouldn't make a difference to you at all. Right?

There's also a value judgment associated with the thumbs up/down; it's on your profile screen.
Reply Mon 18 Aug, 2008 07:21 pm


it most certainly isn't whining, as one rude poster suggested.

Suggested? I stated it flat out.

And you are a rude poster, and I wouldn't be proud of that behavior either.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Aug, 2008 07:23 pm
@Robert Gentel,


I wouldn't be proud of that behavior myself. I haven't demanded **** from anyone or pronounced doom on anything or whined about one thing.

Yeah nimh! You should act like this.

Cycloptichorn wrote:

Nothing you wrote in your last post directly pertains to what I was writing, and I am forced to believe that you are being deliberately disingenuous. So I'm going to vote your posts down from now on every time I see them. As there is no ToS currently, and people shouldn't care, it shouldn't make a difference to you at all. Right?

There's also a value judgment associated with the thumbs up/down; it's on your profile screen.

Fair enough, but this was not related in any way to my concerns about the changes to the site; merely your refusal to actually discuss my concerns, instead dismissing them. At least, that's the way it seemed to me.

Reply Mon 18 Aug, 2008 07:25 pm
Oops ... couldnt have foreseen that my venting would directly follow O'Bill's. Bit of overkill, there. Embarrassed

I do have an addendum tho, nevertheless:

nimh wrote:
In thread after thread after thread after thread (just click the "able2know" tag if you want to see them all), Craven, Nick and Jes, but also regular users like Soz, Thomas, and dare I say it, me, have explained the same things over and over and over again

Just to preempt something I can just see coming - and no, the fact that so many users needed help does not show that the new site is harder to use. It shows that they were used to operating one interface and working around its flaws, and now have to start anew finding out this interface and working around its flaws, which takes a lot of conversion. That says nothing about which of the two systems would be easier to use for new visitors altogether. Count me in as one who bets that the old users who are adapting now actually face many more problems than any new user will.

Apologies if you never even thought of bringing up this argument ... Embarrassed ... I just saw it coming that someone would, and wanted to preempt it so that I dont have to return for it later.


Cyclo wrote:
you will see that what started out as discussion about the ups and downs of, well, the ups and downs we now use, quickly devolved once certain posters accused others of whining, which you have just done again.

Quickly devolved? That's weird. I'm sorry you see it that way, but I dont quite understand why. You must either have read selectively, or focused relentlessly on the few emotive, negative responses slung your way. I mean, how many pages ago is it now that DrewDad called you a whiner? How many substantive posts engaging your arguments one by one have followed? How many individual posters have called you a whiner (one? two? three?)? How many have engaged your arguments instead? Sure, people still disagree with your arguments. But the last five or ten or however many pages there have been by now have been more polite than most any politics thread you're used to.

Really, you do us injustice. And actually, if your feelings can be whacked enough by a handful of attacks to make the dozens of substantive responses disappear in comparison, then I would say that the new features this site offers (thumbing down votes instead of getting involved in them, ignoring users if it keeps happening) could actually be very useful for you. (Lord knows I'm using 'em.)
Reply Mon 18 Aug, 2008 07:29 pm
Fair enough, but this was not related in any way to my concerns about the changes to the site; merely your refusal to actually discuss my concerns, instead dismissing them. At least, that's the way it seemed to me.
Shocked The man has given you a ton of explanation, just not what you wanted to hear. Your sense of entitlement is off the charts.
Reply Mon 18 Aug, 2008 07:36 pm

Re: Cycloptichorn (Post 3364072)

Fair enough, but this was not related in any way to my concerns about the changes to the site; merely your refusal to actually discuss my concerns, instead dismissing them. At least, that's the way it seemed to me.

Shocked The man has given you a ton of explanation, just not what you wanted to hear. Your sense of entitlement is off the charts.

Bill, geez! Enough!

Why is it that you bunch seem to think that, if the issue is just explained to others well enough, their concerns will disappear? I understand how the f*cking site works! We're not discussing how the site works. We are discussing what the effects of the site working in the new way will be.

The truth is that none of us know what the effects of the change will be. You don't know. I don't know. We don't have any clue really. The two of us seem to have different opinions about whether certain changes will help the site in the long run or hurt it. I think that your opinions are valid and you have a perfect right to voice them. I ask you a question: do you think that the opinions of those who disagree with you are valid, and that they have the right to voice them, or not?


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