@Nick Ashley,
Where is the "at a glance" tab and also where is the category view of the forums where you go to a page and see the different types like spirituality and religion or politics etc... Also where is the spell check?
Hi Nick. It's kinda weird saying "Welcome" when you've developed this new site but Welcome.
Okay, obviously I still have a lot to learn. How do I reply to Nick's thread instead of Rex's? I'll just muddle along for a bit here.
@Nick Ashley,
Okay, third post - and I want to say Hello to Nick.
looks like we don't have spelczech...
i've gotten into the habit of googling words for spelling... and meaning.
@Region Philbis,
Just use Firefox. That checks spelling for ya - it underlines whatever is spelled wrong.
What does the orange dotted line under the last post time indicate?
@Nick Ashley,
I'm having fun so far.
Thanks for all the work, Nick. Glad to meet you.
Hi Nick (er, Mr. Developer),
Is there a plan/timeline for addressing some of the things which still need to be implemented? I have some discussions over PM which are hanging, tons of old posts which I can't find, et cetera.
Not to mention various minor stylistic changes as well. I know that people like the old and familiar, and that a change to a new system will inevitably see complaints; but the site has lost a lot of convenience and functionality in a few areas and it would be nice to see that functionality return. See the 'a2k annoyances' thread.
We realize this is a rocky start, and will be implementing features as best and fast as we can. I appreciate the feedback.
Questions about when functionality will return will be better answered by Craven.
@Nick Ashley,
Oh, it's totally cool - every change is like this.
What platform is the new site built on, btw? Some interesting features that I see and it makes me wonder about the possibility for high levels of individual customization.
@Nick Ashley,
you call THIS a rocky start?

rocky start in my world would probably be close to a hellish inferno in yours then.
well done!
@Nick Ashley,
Hi Nick,
Just logged on for the first time. I'll need to look around a bit before I have some questions.
I just posted and hit preview but it didn't let me preview, it just posted.
And I tried to change my avatar and it didn't work.
Where's that frowny face???
Huh???? I just typed in a colon and a parenthesis and an emoticon showed up. But where are the emoticons???
If you click on 'Enable BBCode Editor' then there is an 'Emoticons' button.
The preview bug is something we need to work on. I cannot reproduce the bug (the preview works fine for me) but at least one other user has reported the same problem (so your not crazy

). What Operating System and Browser are you using?
@Nick Ashley,
sounds like a left-side / right-side issue.
on the old site, Preview was to the left of Submit...