Hello, I am new here so please be gentle. I had a small tantrum when I was browsing this forum last night, I hope I didn't ruffle anyone's feathers; I'm impressed by all the knowledge here but rifling through the arguments was frustrating me.
Anyway, I hope you all will be generous enough to give your advice.
I had a rep from an Ecowater/Water-Right dealer come to test my water last night (free, yes) and have a look at my home. I live in a small home with a private well. My personal "layman's" issues with my well water are 1.red-brown staining, 2.sulfur odor, 3.metal taste/odor, 4.hardness, and 5.hard-to-remove white scaling.
Here were the results of his tests:
pH: 7.5
Iron (ferrous): 1.0
TDS: 100
Hardness: 5 gpg
*I gave him 35 dollars and a bottle of water to have it tested for V.O.C.
Question1: The first hardness test he took showed 10 gpg, but said "the iron dissolved in the water was interefering with the results", and his second test resulted in 5 gpg. Is this theoretically true?
Question2: He did not officially test sulphur content, but "trusted his nose" to say it was a moderate amount (1.0 - 2.0). Is sulphur content harmful other than to cause unppleasant odor - for instance, does it cause a lot of staining, and is it worth it to have sulphur offically tested if I'm already going to be taking care of an iron problem?
His system recommendation is as follows:
- Water-Right IMS 1054 (to take care of my iron and sulphur issues)
- EcoWater ESS2000 R30 (to soften the water after the Water-Right filter does its job)
* The combined cost of both systems installed together, including labor and plumbing, is $3198.00
Again, my home is small and 2 adults live there.
Question3: This seems like a fair price for a local dealer and for the systems. What do you all think of the price? The warranty is pretty standard and the systems claim to last 10-15 years. (*I am not looking to just save money, of course - I want to know what the best, most cost-effective solution is for my home, even if it does cost a bit more... but I also do want to know if I can save a few hundred dollars that I don't need to be handing over unecessarily.)
Question4: What do you all recommend as alternatives to this setup - any brand, any dealer is fine, I'm still totally open to suggestions. I live in PA, if that helps. Or if you think this is a perfect setup, that's ok too.
I guess that's about it for now. Thanks for taking the time to give me your opinions.