Mo finally got his reel mower yesterday! We made him pay for 1/3 of it -- $35.00, which he earned by helping us shovel dirt off a truck and roll it into the back yard. Then he helped lay sod for a small lawn.
He's so happy! He mowed and mowed yesterday and mowed again before school today.
We have this huge parkway, "linden alley", that runs down the center of the street...
.... that the city owns but they they "can no longer afford to take care of" <ahem>. This year everyone on the street is pitching in to take care of it so Mo can mow to his heart's content.
Yesterday a couple of neighbors came out and slipped him a few bucks!
After that he mowed a bit of the schoolyard. Every single kid up their playing had to have a turn with the mower. It was really funny.