DNA Was Designed By A Mind

Reply Sat 19 Jul, 2008 02:45 pm
Very Happy wisley said. Especially when one fails to understand what the testimonial actually purports
0 Replies
real life
Reply Sat 19 Jul, 2008 06:25 pm
Setanta wrote:
Which is simply more evidence of your desire to discuss anything but the actual topic of the thread. It doesn't matter if you've distorted the meaning of what a single reputable scientist wrote (and you've cited only Shapiro)--whether or not a replicator such as RNA arose independently of a living organism or within a living organism has absolutely no relevance to the topic of the thread.

It does not provide evidence that DNA was "designed" by a mind. You have provided absolutely no evidence that DNA was "designed" by a mind. Small wonder that you're desperate to discuss just about anything else but the topic of the thread.

I've noted several times that Shapiro cites other well credentialed chemists who agree with him.

But you've chosen to ignore that as well. Unfortunately this is very typical of your closed ear approach. Pretend they didn't say it and they didn't, right?

The origin of a self replicating molecule that can (and did) support life has a direct bearing on the topic of the thread. And if you think it doesn't you're certainly free to discuss anything you wish with whomever you wish.

So far, nobody has given any evidence that any self replicating molecule other than dna/rna has EVER been the basis of ANY living organism. So, if it's evidence you want to discuss, that's where it's at.

If it's speculation that you're into, then we can continue to hash out the issue of ANOTHER unknown replicator preceding dna.

But there's no evidence for that.

What would you like to talk about , Set?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Jul, 2008 06:59 pm
real life wrote:
So far, nobody has given any evidence that any self replicating molecule other than dna/rna has EVER been the basis of ANY living organism.

I've given it at least twice now, and you've ignored it both times.

You're a Creationist.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Sat 19 Jul, 2008 07:08 pm
rosborne979 wrote:
real life wrote:
So far, nobody has given any evidence that any self replicating molecule other than dna/rna has EVER been the basis of ANY living organism.

I've given it at least twice now, and you've ignored it both times.

You're a Creationist.

You've claimed to have given evidence at least twice.

You're batting zero.

Just saying, 'well it COULDA happened, you can't prove a negative so it MIGHTA been' isn't evidence, ros.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Jul, 2008 08:28 pm
real life wrote:
Setanta wrote:
Which is simply more evidence of your desire to discuss anything but the actual topic of the thread. It doesn't matter if you've distorted the meaning of what a single reputable scientist wrote (and you've cited only Shapiro)--whether or not a replicator such as RNA arose independently of a living organism or within a living organism has absolutely no relevance to the topic of the thread.

It does not provide evidence that DNA was "designed" by a mind. You have provided absolutely no evidence that DNA was "designed" by a mind. Small wonder that you're desperate to discuss just about anything else but the topic of the thread.

I've noted several times that Shapiro cites other well credentialed chemists who agree with him.

But you've chosen to ignore that as well. Unfortunately this is very typical of your closed ear approach. Pretend they didn't say it and they didn't, right?

The origin of a self replicating molecule that can (and did) support life has a direct bearing on the topic of the thread. And if you think it doesn't you're certainly free to discuss anything you wish with whomever you wish.

So far, nobody has given any evidence that any self replicating molecule other than dna/rna has EVER been the basis of ANY living organism. So, if it's evidence you want to discuss, that's where it's at.

If it's speculation that you're into, then we can continue to hash out the issue of ANOTHER unknown replicator preceding dna.

But there's no evidence for that.

What would you like to talk about , Set?

It didn't support life. You keep saying this and it indicates a persistent misunderstanding of our belief. Its descendants became more complex and sophisticated until one might classify them as life.

As for evidence, don't you dare to even use the word. Our theory is at least plausible. You believe in a supernatural creature who manipulates the universe with acts of will. Where's your evidence for that ludicrous fantasy?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Jul, 2008 08:53 pm
real life wrote:
Setanta wrote:
Which is simply more evidence of your desire to discuss anything but the actual topic of the thread. It doesn't matter if you've distorted the meaning of what a single reputable scientist wrote (and you've cited only Shapiro)--whether or not a replicator such as RNA arose independently of a living organism or within a living organism has absolutely no relevance to the topic of the thread.

It does not provide evidence that DNA was "designed" by a mind. You have provided absolutely no evidence that DNA was "designed" by a mind. Small wonder that you're desperate to discuss just about anything else but the topic of the thread.

I've noted several times that Shapiro cites other well credentialed chemists who agree with him.

But you've chosen to ignore that as well. Unfortunately this is very typical of your closed ear approach. Pretend they didn't say it and they didn't, right?

The origin of a self replicating molecule that can (and did) support life has a direct bearing on the topic of the thread. And if you think it doesn't you're certainly free to discuss anything you wish with whomever you wish.

So far, nobody has given any evidence that any self replicating molecule other than dna/rna has EVER been the basis of ANY living organism. So, if it's evidence you want to discuss, that's where it's at.

If it's speculation that you're into, then we can continue to hash out the issue of ANOTHER unknown replicator preceding dna.

But there's no evidence for that.

What would you like to talk about , Set?

How about evidence you have that DNA was "designed" by a mind? That's the topic of the thread. Absolutely nothing which Shapiro has written authorizes such a statement. Nothing which Shapiro writes supports your claim that no replicator can have assembled itself "from dead chemicals." If you now assert that you haven't said that, then you've got no argument at all.

Shapiro wrote:
Once independent units were established, they could evolve in different ways and compete with one another for raw materials; we would have made the transition from life that emerges from nonliving matter through the action of an available energy source to life that adapts to its environment by Darwinian evolution. (emphasis added)

Shapiro clearly does not agree with the claims you are attempting to make. Shapiro clearly believes that life emerged from what you are pleased to call "dead chemicals."

What evidence do you have that DNA was "designed" by a mind?

No more bullshit about what someone wrote which you choose to interpret in a way which is not supported by the text you cited. No more bullshit about what anyone does or does not know. The question is not whether or not anyone here can disprove the idiotic thesis of this thread. The question is whether or not BD or you can support the thesis of this thread.

What evidence do you have that DNA was "designed" by a mind?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Jul, 2008 09:10 pm
real life wrote:
Setanta wrote:
Which is simply more evidence of your desire to discuss anything but the actual topic of the thread. It doesn't matter if you've distorted the meaning of what a single reputable scientist wrote (and you've cited only Shapiro)--whether or not a replicator such as RNA arose independently of a living organism or within a living organism has absolutely no relevance to the topic of the thread.

It does not provide evidence that DNA was "designed" by a mind. You have provided absolutely no evidence that DNA was "designed" by a mind. Small wonder that you're desperate to discuss just about anything else but the topic of the thread.

I've noted several times that Shapiro cites other well credentialed chemists who agree with him.
But you failed to note that all of those chemists disagree with you.

But you've chosen to ignore that as well. Unfortunately this is very typical of your closed ear approach. Pretend they didn't say it and they didn't, right?
No, that's your schtick. Pretend you weren't given evidence even when you obviously were presented evidence. You just like to make up rules of evidence that no one and especially not you can meet.

The origin of a self replicating molecule that can (and did) support life has a direct bearing on the topic of the thread. And if you think it doesn't you're certainly free to discuss anything you wish with whomever you wish.
If it has bearing then Shapiro's statements about it should have bearing. But you ignore Shapiro when he discusses it.

So far, nobody has given any evidence that any self replicating molecule other than dna/rna has EVER been the basis of ANY living organism. So, if it's evidence you want to discuss, that's where it's at.
Really? No evidence? In spite of the evidence presented by Shapiro, fm, Set and others, you still claim there was NO evidence? Don't you mean no evidence you want to accept. The claim nobody has given any evidence is a flat out lie.

If it's speculation that you're into, then we can continue to hash out the issue of ANOTHER unknown replicator preceding dna.
It is speculation you are into real life. You have presented NO evidence that it is "improbable" for RNA to have come about in the RNA world scenario. It is only "speculation" that it would be improbable unless you present the actual numbers. But speculation and mischaracterization of the statements of others is your only stock in trade.

But there's no evidence for that.

What would you like to talk about , Set?
I think Set has talked quite a bit about your lack of evidence real life. You don't want to talk about it though. You just want to throw dust in the air and hope no one notices. Too bad some of that dust is coming down alive.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jul, 2008 07:41 am
The only way for "real life" to make his stupid dog and pony show work would be to assert that Shapiro (his one and only source) has categorically stated that life could not have arisen from what "real life" is pleased to call "dead chemicals." However, quite the contrary, that is precisely what Shapiro is saying:

. . . we would have made the transition from life that emerges from nonliving matter . . .

You have no case, "real life." You're not going to be able to use Shapiro in your argument, because Shapiro has nothing to say which supports the idiotic thesis of this thread.

What evidence do you have, "real life," that DNA was "designed" by a mind?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jul, 2008 07:44 am
His approach is apparently to attack us for not having proof of every step in our reasoning, and then to pretend not to see when we ask him for evidence to support his own beliefs. I would think that it would be apparent even to him how unfair that is.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Jul, 2008 07:56 am
Brandon9000 wrote:
His approach is apparently to attack us for not having proof of every step in our reasoning, and then to pretend not to see when we ask him for evidence to support his own beliefs. I would think that it would be apparent even to him how unfair that is.

This is exactly why I think he is being disingenuous. Also he is far too good at isolating points of logic which can be used as sound-bites, for him to be simply misunderstanding everything.

Even though I call him a Creationist because his tactics are a perfect reflection of delusional Creationist thinking, I've never been completely convinced that he's what he pretends to be (a YEC).

But in any case, he does provide a good shooting gallery of Creationist debating tactics. I like target practice.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Sun 20 Jul, 2008 10:18 pm
parados wrote:
real life wrote:

So far, nobody has given any evidence that any self replicating molecule other than dna/rna has EVER been the basis of ANY living organism. So, if it's evidence you want to discuss, that's where it's at.
Really? No evidence? In spite of the evidence presented by Shapiro, fm, Set and others, you still claim there was NO evidence? Don't you mean no evidence you want to accept. The claim nobody has given any evidence is a flat out lie.

I mean no evidence.

Apart from dna/rna, concerning what self replicating molecule do you have evidence that it has EVER actually been the basis for a living organism?

Don't tell me 'some unknown replicator that preceded rna' .

We're talking about evidence, not unfalsifiable speculation.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Sun 20 Jul, 2008 10:22 pm
Brandon9000 wrote:
His approach is apparently to attack us for not having proof of every step in our reasoning, and then to pretend not to see when we ask him for evidence to support his own beliefs. I would think that it would be apparent even to him how unfair that is.

What's unfair, Mr. 'We Have the Exact Mechanics Down' ?

You are the guys who claim, 'we've got all the evidence and you've got none'.

So why's it unfair to ask you to produce evidence?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Jul, 2008 04:45 am
Because the claim which is both explicit and implicit in this thread is that DNA was "designed" by a mind.

That means anyone supporting that contention has the burden of proof.

What evidence do you have that DNA was "designed" by a mind?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Jul, 2008 05:26 am
might I add that Ive never said or spculated that "we have it all down " RL, your twisting of others posts is famous . However, I might add that , in the case for science , Why ARe You seemingly against continuing research into the very question? DO you imply that we should merely stop the inquiries and accept some book of myths?

As a practitioner of "evidence first" Ill be happy to discuss what we (in the geo area) can safely state about the evidence of the living state and its progression (hint: evolution).

You seem stuck on RNA/DNA as some petard that is an apparent debate corner for science, when only a few scientsist had ever stated that the "RNA world" was the first evidence of life. This is just not the case.

However, there is an undeniable progression of chemical and later fosiil evidence that shows a path that life had taken (despite the hangup over whether DNA or RNA were the official replicators). SCience doesnt spend long budget times on dead ends of inquiry.Its more like a crossword puzzle, where we go to another area of the puzzle hoping to fill in the unknown words by "backing into them".
Im on record to fully be supportive of the research needed to answer these questions, apparently RL, by your position , are not. I wonder why. IS it because youre afraid of what we may find? or is the issue of Christian Bible infallibility a real sticking point for you?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Jul, 2008 05:32 am
RL's very support of baddogs original statement "DNA was created by a mind" is baseless. RL doesnt wish to concentrate on the positive statement of his colleague. WHY DO YOU AND BADDY STATE THAT DNA WAS CREATED BY A MIND?? The thing thats been avoided is this. RL has been busy trying to divert attention from this fact cause its an embarrassment to both he and baddy.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Jul, 2008 06:50 am
real life wrote:
parados wrote:
real life wrote:

So far, nobody has given any evidence that any self replicating molecule other than dna/rna has EVER been the basis of ANY living organism. So, if it's evidence you want to discuss, that's where it's at.
Really? No evidence? In spite of the evidence presented by Shapiro, fm, Set and others, you still claim there was NO evidence? Don't you mean no evidence you want to accept. The claim nobody has given any evidence is a flat out lie.

I mean no evidence.
no evidence that you will accept. Circumstantial evidence is "evidence". You refuse to accept any evidence that doesn't directly show you personally the exact thing you ask for. So.. You refuse to accept evidence.

You are being dishonest in your statement since you can't even present circumstantial evidence to support your position but you pretend you have evidence.

Apart from dna/rna, concerning what self replicating molecule do you have evidence that it has EVER actually been the basis for a living organism?

Don't tell me 'some unknown replicator that preceded rna' .

We're talking about evidence, not unfalsifiable speculation.
Falsifiable is a word you like to throw around and then bastardize it's meaning beyond belief. For instance, your argument against the "RNA world" is that RNA can't survive in the ocean. That is as silly as arguing that humans can't exist because they can't breath underwater. Your argument ignores all other possibilities to concentrate on one you think can't be true. It shows dishonesty on your part. We know that peptides can form outside life. We know they can combine outside life. Your argument is one of "no one has shown me". There is evidence, you just refuse to accept any of it. Science creates hypothesis based on the evidence. The hypothesis is NOT without evidence to support it as you keep claiming.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Mon 21 Jul, 2008 07:38 am
farmerman wrote:
might I add that Ive never said or spculated that "we have it all down " RL, your twisting of others posts is famous

I think you're responding to a post that is directed specifically to Brandon, aren't you?

farmerman wrote:
However, I might add that , in the case for science , Why ARe You seemingly against continuing research into the very question? DO you imply that we should merely stop the inquiries and accept some book of myths?

As a practitioner of "evidence first" Ill be happy to discuss what we (in the geo area) can safely state about the evidence of the living state and its progression (hint: evolution).

You seem stuck on RNA/DNA as some petard that is an apparent debate corner for science, when only a few scientsist had ever stated that the "RNA world" was the first evidence of life. This is just not the case.

However, there is an undeniable progression of chemical and later fosiil evidence that shows a path that life had taken (despite the hangup over whether DNA or RNA were the official replicators). SCience doesnt spend long budget times on dead ends of inquiry.Its more like a crossword puzzle, where we go to another area of the puzzle hoping to fill in the unknown words by "backing into them".
Im on record to fully be supportive of the research needed to answer these questions, apparently RL, by your position , are not. I wonder why. IS it because youre afraid of what we may find? or is the issue of Christian Bible infallibility a real sticking point for you?

I am not against research. I've never stated nor implied such.

The 'undeniable path' that you speak of may be the very path that chemists like Shapiro deny.

But we may never know because you've only referred to it in general terms.

Is your position that an independent self replicating molecule developed first outside of a living organism (i.e. the 'rna world' scenario) ?
0 Replies
real life
Reply Mon 21 Jul, 2008 07:44 am
parados wrote:
real life wrote:
parados wrote:
real life wrote:

So far, nobody has given any evidence that any self replicating molecule other than dna/rna has EVER been the basis of ANY living organism. So, if it's evidence you want to discuss, that's where it's at.
Really? No evidence? In spite of the evidence presented by Shapiro, fm, Set and others, you still claim there was NO evidence? Don't you mean no evidence you want to accept. The claim nobody has given any evidence is a flat out lie.

I mean no evidence.
no evidence that you will accept. Circumstantial evidence is "evidence". You refuse to accept any evidence that doesn't directly show you personally the exact thing you ask for. So.. You refuse to accept evidence.

You are being dishonest in your statement since you can't even present circumstantial evidence to support your position but you pretend you have evidence.

Apart from dna/rna, concerning what self replicating molecule do you have evidence that it has EVER actually been the basis for a living organism?

Don't tell me 'some unknown replicator that preceded rna' .

We're talking about evidence, not unfalsifiable speculation.
Falsifiable is a word you like to throw around and then bastardize it's meaning beyond belief. For instance, your argument against the "RNA world" is that RNA can't survive in the ocean. That is as silly as arguing that humans can't exist because they can't breath underwater. Your argument ignores all other possibilities to concentrate on one you think can't be true. It shows dishonesty on your part. We know that peptides can form outside life. We know they can combine outside life. Your argument is one of "no one has shown me". There is evidence, you just refuse to accept any of it. Science creates hypothesis based on the evidence. The hypothesis is NOT without evidence to support it as you keep claiming.

Yes, we know that oxygen and hydrogen compose water outside of life too. So what?

We're not talking about 'possibilities' , but about evidence of the existence of a self replicating molecule that was the basis for living organisms.

One can dream up and speculate about what MIGHTA or COULDA been.

That's not evidence.

again, my challenge to you was:

real life wrote:
Apart from dna/rna, concerning what self replicating molecule do you have evidence that it has EVER actually been the basis for a living organism?

Don't tell me 'some unknown replicator that preceded rna' .

We're talking about evidence, not unfalsifiable speculation
0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Jul, 2008 07:52 am
real life
I think you're responding to a post that is directed specifically to Brandon, aren't you?
And it obliquely refers to "you guys (plural) are the ones who...".

It sounds like MCain when he says .
"Im not going to impune the character of Barack HuSSEIN Obama".

The 'undeniable path' that you speak of may be the very path that chemists like Shapiro deny.

I think I said "Undeniable progression of chemical and fossil evidence..." Do you wish to debate that your head is not up your ass?
Further, youve demonstrated that you have no idea what Shapiro said,Im afraid that is we had Dr Shapiro himself, youd deny what he said.
Its just your position.

WELL anyway, you are coming out in favor of research into evolution . Thats good. You need to learn how baseless your own belief system is..
0 Replies
real life
Reply Mon 21 Jul, 2008 08:01 am
farmerman wrote:
real life wrote:
I think you're responding to a post that is directed specifically to Brandon, aren't you?
And it obliquely refers to "you guys (plural) are the ones who...".

It sounds like MCain when he says .
"Im not going to impune the character of Barack HuSSEIN Obama".

Yes the second sentence can be considered a direct reference to you and to anyone else who similarly claims:

'we've got all the evidence and you've got none'

farmerman wrote:
real life wrote:
The 'undeniable path' that you speak of may be the very path that chemists like Shapiro deny.

I think I said "Undeniable progression of chemical and fossil evidence..."

Cute the way you cut 'that shows a path ' out of your quote to try to make it appear that I'd misrepresented you.

farmerman wrote:
Further, youve demonstrated that you have no idea what Shapiro said,Im afraid that is we had Dr Shapiro himself, youd deny what he said.
Its just your position...

Nice dodge.

Do you or do you not agree with Shapiro that the 'rna world' hypothesis is implausible?

farmerman wrote:
WELL anyway, you are coming out in favor of research into evolution . Thats good. You need to learn how baseless your own belief system is..

When have I ever said you can't or shouldn't do research? You need to learn how baseless your implied accusations are.
0 Replies

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