DNA Was Designed By A Mind

Reply Fri 18 Jul, 2008 07:41 pm
real life wrote:
farmerman wrote:

His use of incredulity to drive his point doesnt have any weight of evidence.

Your objection to 'my' use of incredulity is a smokescreen from you to cover YOUR LACK of evidence on this issue.
In reality, we have no evidence that real life even exists. Therefor since he has presented no evidence of his existence he does not exist.

It is Shapiro and other award winning chemists who describe the 'RNA world' scenario (replicator first) as implausible and 'akin to believing in miracles' and 'beyond the realm of science'.
It is Shapiro that states that RNA could well have come from

If you have evidence that an independent self replicating molecule actually 'appeared randomly' , evolved and eventually led to living organisms.....produce it.
Presented and ignored by you. Your standard of evidence is one that proves YOU don't exist.

If you have ANY evidence that ANY self replicating molecule other than dna/rna has EVER been the basis of any living organism......produce it.

None, eh? That's what I thought.
Do you have any evidence that you exist? None, eh? That's what I thought.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Fri 18 Jul, 2008 07:42 pm
Brandon9000 wrote:
real life wrote:
In Brandon's scenario, an independent replicator evolves in the open ocean.

Since water would degrade and destroy dna, it is arguable whether or not dna is the 'more survivable'.

More survivable than what?

oh that's right , you don't know because no other self replicating molecule is known to have EVER been the basis for a living organism apart from dna/rna, right?

So your thesis is essentially unfalsifiable. No matter the objection, your comeback is 'well the replicator that I[/u][/i] envision could do that! '

Let's talk about it after[/u][/i] you have some evidence for your view, shall we?

Do you mean like you have evidence for your view? Whatever our theory is worth, yours is worth much, much less. You simply ignore every request that you present a particle of evidence for your theory. At least we have the exact mechanics down and some evidence for some of it, which is more that you can claim.

I have never pretended to know the exact mechanics of the origin of the universe, nor of first life.

You have the exact mechanics down, eh? Laughing

You've got no proof of any actual independent replicator that evolved and eventually became the basis for a living organism.


Brandon9000 wrote:
You're claiming that it is impossible for any self-replicating molecule to be able to survice in aqueous solution, for which you have no evidence.

You have no evidence of any such statement of my part.

What I've said is that dna as well as some of the simpler compounds necessary for it's formation are easily destroyed by water.

And you know it's true. I've quoted Shapiro on the same point (regarding dna specifically) from the link that Set provided.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Fri 18 Jul, 2008 07:50 pm
Setanta wrote:
real life wrote:
I never said a chemical was alive, I said it wasn't.

Either there is a corollary, dead chemicals on the one hand and live chemicals on the other, or it's a meaningless description. That's what i was pointing out--you just described chemicals as "dead" for the emotive value of the statement, and not because it has any bearing on the debate.

It's relevant because OTHERS have described a self replicating molecule as evolving to the point where it could be termed 'alive'.

I have not.

Apart from any 'emotive' value you think it might or might not have, it's relevance is understood when the context of the conversation is taken into account, which is where you fall short.
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real life
Reply Fri 18 Jul, 2008 07:52 pm
parados wrote:
In reality, we have no evidence that real life even exists. Therefor since he has presented no evidence of his existence he does not exist.

Whatever, parados. Anything to avoid the issue, I suppose. Rolling Eyes
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real life
Reply Fri 18 Jul, 2008 07:56 pm
Setanta wrote:
Shapiro did not intend to provide evidence that life cannot arise from nonliving matter, quite the reverse, he's imagining exactly how life could plausibly arise form nonliving matter.

That is correct. And I've never stated otherwise.

Setanta wrote:
In short, we are not free to disagree with Shapiro, but he is.

Disagree with him all you wish. But first understand his view and represent it correctly, which you've been rather slow to do, but you're coming 'round because you've been forced to it.
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Reply Fri 18 Jul, 2008 08:35 pm
real life wrote:
Setanta wrote:
Shapiro did not intend to provide evidence that life cannot arise from nonliving matter, quite the reverse, he's imagining exactly how life could plausibly arise form nonliving matter.

That is correct. And I've never stated otherwise.

Setanta wrote:
In short, we are not free to disagree with Shapiro, but he is.

Disagree with him all you wish. But first understand his view and represent it correctly, which you've been rather slow to do, but you're coming 'round because you've been forced to it.
The only one that has not been representing Shapiro's view correctly is you real life.

Let me ask you again.. Does Shapiro think there was a repliction process prior to RNA? It is a simple question and has a simple answer. I am not asking you if you agree with him only what his opinion is.

I think we can all agree that award winning chemists disagree with you real life.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Jul, 2008 08:50 pm
real life wrote:
Setanta wrote:
Shapiro did not intend to provide evidence that life cannot arise from nonliving matter, quite the reverse, he's imagining exactly how life could plausibly arise form nonliving matter.

That is correct. And I've never stated otherwise.


[url=http://www.able2know.org/forums/viewtopic.php?p=3315164#3315164][b]In his post #3325164, 'real life'[/b][/url] wrote:
farmerman wants to insist that a self replicating molecule that leads eventually to a living critter could indeed assemble itself.

Award winning chemists like Shapiro say it ain't happening.

[url=http://www.able2know.org/forums/viewtopic.php?p=3321135#3321135][b]In his post #3321135, 'real life'[/b][/url] wrote:
The odds of a self replicating molecule that can support life being able to self generate are simply astronomical, beyond believability.

Shapiro cites in agreement:

Nobel Laureate Christian de Duve has called for "a rejection of improbabilities so incommensurably high that they can only be called miracles, phenomena that fall outside the scope of scientific inquiry."

real life wrote:
Setanta wrote:
In short, we are not free to disagree with Shapiro, but he is.

Disagree with him all you wish. But first understand his view and represent it correctly, which you've been rather slow to do, but you're coming 'round because you've been forced to it.

You lie like a goddamned rug. You're the one who has consistently misrepresented what Shapiro has been saying. That could be either from dishonesty, or from ignorance--frankly, i suspect both, because you consistently show yourself to be a


0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Jul, 2008 09:03 pm
parados wrote:
I think we can all agree that award winning chemists disagree with you real life.

This bears repeating.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Jul, 2008 09:19 pm
real life wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
real life wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
real life wrote:
The odds of a self replicating molecule that can support life being able to self generate are simply astronomical, beyond believability.

No one has ever suggested such a thing. We're suggesting that a simple self-replicating chemical appeared randomly, and that over a long period of time, natural selection and mutation increased its complexity until it reached a stage where one might call it life.

Funny how you say 'no one has suggested that' and then restate what I've said.

What distinction are you trying to draw between a replicator 'self generating' and a replicator 'appearing randomly' ?

The first molecule didn't "support life," it just had descendants that gradually became more complex over the eons until one might choose to refer to it as life.

Yes, I understand and Shapiro understands (he's quite familiar with all the 'RNA world' scenarios and substitutes that have been advanced) that you are referring to an independent molecule that 'gradually evolves' until it can support life....

This is actually one of RL's most interesting statements, and it illustrates one of his fundamental disconnects. What we're saying is that a self-replicating molecule evolved until its descendants reached a stage where one might choose to call them life. It looks like he thinks evolutionists are saying that it evolved until some life essence passed into it. Something like that. This is a subtle but important failure to understand what we're claiming. Maybe I'm misinterpreting him, but his phraseology here is strange.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Fri 18 Jul, 2008 11:37 pm
Brandon9000 wrote:
real life wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
real life wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
real life wrote:
The odds of a self replicating molecule that can support life being able to self generate are simply astronomical, beyond believability.

No one has ever suggested such a thing. We're suggesting that a simple self-replicating chemical appeared randomly, and that over a long period of time, natural selection and mutation increased its complexity until it reached a stage where one might call it life.

Funny how you say 'no one has suggested that' and then restate what I've said.

What distinction are you trying to draw between a replicator 'self generating' and a replicator 'appearing randomly' ?

The first molecule didn't "support life," it just had descendants that gradually became more complex over the eons until one might choose to refer to it as life.

Yes, I understand and Shapiro understands (he's quite familiar with all the 'RNA world' scenarios and substitutes that have been advanced) that you are referring to an independent molecule that 'gradually evolves' until it can support life....

This is actually one of RL's most interesting statements, and it illustrates one of his fundamental disconnects. What we're saying is that a self-replicating molecule evolved until its descendants reached a stage where one might choose to call them life. It looks like he thinks evolutionists are saying that it evolved until some life essence passed into it. Something like that. This is a subtle but important failure to understand what we're claiming. Maybe I'm misinterpreting him, but his phraseology here is strange.

Yes you're misinterpreting. I've made no statement, nor implied anything about any 'life essence'.
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Reply Sat 19 Jul, 2008 12:53 am
Real life, are you a Christian?
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Reply Sat 19 Jul, 2008 02:29 am
Your objection to 'my' use of incredulity is a smokescreen from you to cover YOUR LACK of evidence on this issue.

WHen you post your position , then we can talk about lack or presence of evidence. Dont be a schmuck and try to mount some hillock . I cannot understand your very point of discussion. You see that Shapiro doesnt deny the "small steps" hypothesis. You seem to default that to a Creationist beleif without any form of evidence, just some fairy tales.

Ive talked about the relationship o the C12 crystal structures that are similar to pyridines and purines and contain short chain and then longer chain C`12's. A rationale, objective observer would admit that this is a compelling direction for life to have been assembled in successive stages or even sudden changes at intermittent nodal points.
You seem to have your own head up your butt and wish to merely propound some lame argument that RNA could be dissociated in water. Of course, any molecule, unattached to a membrane and driven by a suitable respiratory mechanism, will dissociate. You, however, take that to a ridiculous extreme that seems to deny any other mechanisms.

The fact that we dont see any RNA is the sediments, but do see evidence of simple living "molecular symbionts" and these are evidence of the rise of life from a very humble beginning.

The difference tween us RL is that a number of us are fscinated with the possibilities and the directions that such forensic data leads us. If there were a God, wed expect his own evidence to be shown. Instead of the humble rise of life as evidenced in the fossil record, wed see some point wherein all things suddenly appear. Since that is clearly not thecase, we look for explanations thatmatch the existing evidence.

You, on the other hand, try to cherry pick" data so you can fill it in to your predigested worldview.
Those in science will continue to carry on without your "guidance" since we too move in little steps of understanding. Im amazed at how your worldview requires you to deny all involvement in intellectual fishing and model making, and instead , you have to make sure that nothing interferes with your Biblical myths.

No matter what, Ive gotta admire your "faith", but on the same hand, i wonder how disengenuous your beleif system really is. SInce you have a God whose a builder and aimparter of brain power to all his subjects, yet on the same hand, you worship this God by rolling around in stubborn ignorance and involve yourself in arguments taht really dont advance an argument one way or another,but are merely stop measures to keep science from attempting to move along.
Im not laughing at you like the others, however I really find you quite a bit creepy lately.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Jul, 2008 06:35 am

Nice rant, Gin'ril . . . completely understandable.
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real life
Reply Sat 19 Jul, 2008 09:01 am
farmerman wrote:
Your objection to 'my' use of incredulity is a smokescreen from you to cover YOUR LACK of evidence on this issue.

WHen you post your position , then we can talk about lack or presence of evidence. Dont be a schmuck and try to mount some hillock . I cannot understand your very point of discussion. You see that Shapiro doesnt deny the "small steps" hypothesis. You seem to default that to a Creationist beleif without any form of evidence, just some fairy tales.

Ive talked about the relationship o the C12 crystal structures that are similar to pyridines and purines and contain short chain and then longer chain C`12's. A rationale, objective observer would admit that this is a compelling direction for life to have been assembled in successive stages or even sudden changes at intermittent nodal points.
You seem to have your own head up your butt and wish to merely propound some lame argument that RNA could be dissociated in water. Of course, any molecule, unattached to a membrane and driven by a suitable respiratory mechanism, will dissociate. You, however, take that to a ridiculous extreme that seems to deny any other mechanisms.

The fact that we dont see any RNA is the sediments, but do see evidence of simple living "molecular symbionts" and these are evidence of the rise of life from a very humble beginning.

The difference tween us RL is that a number of us are fscinated with the possibilities and the directions that such forensic data leads us. If there were a God, wed expect his own evidence to be shown. Instead of the humble rise of life as evidenced in the fossil record, wed see some point wherein all things suddenly appear. Since that is clearly not thecase, we look for explanations thatmatch the existing evidence.

You, on the other hand, try to cherry pick" data so you can fill it in to your predigested worldview.
Those in science will continue to carry on without your "guidance" since we too move in little steps of understanding. Im amazed at how your worldview requires you to deny all involvement in intellectual fishing and model making, and instead , you have to make sure that nothing interferes with your Biblical myths.

No matter what, Ive gotta admire your "faith", but on the same hand, i wonder how disengenuous your beleif system really is. SInce you have a God whose a builder and aimparter of brain power to all his subjects, yet on the same hand, you worship this God by rolling around in stubborn ignorance and involve yourself in arguments taht really dont advance an argument one way or another,but are merely stop measures to keep science from attempting to move along.
Im not laughing at you like the others, however I really find you quite a bit creepy lately.

hmmm, how can anyone respond to 'you're creepy because you don't agree with my interpretation of evidence' ?

Not much to say I guess.

I don't regard you as 'creepy' because you disagree with me.

If you don't , (as you admit), understand my point in discussion then maybe you should spend more time with people that think differently than you, instead of with a small cadre that reinforces each other's biases.

But if I'm 'creepy', just remember that about 90% of your neighbors hold views more similar to mine than to yours.

I'm intrigued by your description of 'intellectual fishing' and I guess that's about as close as we'll ever get to hearing you admit that what I've said about the lack of evidence actually hits pretty close to home.

So tell me, are you onboard with Shapiro now in tossing aside the 'RNA world' (replicator first) view of first life? Or just testing the water with your toe?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Jul, 2008 09:56 am
Interpretation of evidence?

What evidence?

You have provided not a shred of evidence for the thesis of the thread. You have provided not a shred of evidence for the contention that DNA was "designed" by a mind.

No surprises there--that's your modus operandi. You'll address anything but the actual topic of the thread. All your bullshit distortions about Shapiro's article and what it means have not one whit of relevance to the topic of the thread.
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real life
Reply Sat 19 Jul, 2008 10:04 am
The general discussion has centered on the origin of DNA/possible self replicating predecessors.

I'm sure you would've liked this to take place without any criticism of your own views.

Too bad.

I've cited reputable scientists who argue that the likelihood of an independent self replicating molecule ( a replicator developed outside of a living organism, i.e. in the open environment) 'appearing randomly' are so astronomical as to be 'beyond the realm of scientific inquiry'.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Jul, 2008 10:52 am
Which is simply more evidence of your desire to discuss anything but the actual topic of the thread. It doesn't matter if you've distorted the meaning of what a single reputable scientist wrote (and you've cited only Shapiro)--whether or not a replicator such as RNA arose independently of a living organism or within a living organism has absolutely no relevance to the topic of the thread.

It does not provide evidence that DNA was "designed" by a mind. You have provided absolutely no evidence that DNA was "designed" by a mind. Small wonder that you're desperate to discuss just about anything else but the topic of the thread.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Jul, 2008 11:27 am
hmmm, how can anyone respond to 'you're creepy because you don't agree with my interpretation of evidence' ?

Creepy because you have a mind that selectively ignores entire bodies of knowledge and evidence and doggedly sticks to only one possibility, and that is all,evidence-free. For that, in your intellectual pursuits, is , you must admit, not the way science works. One should keep multiple hypotheses until one or more are evidenced for or away.

I've cited reputable scientists who argue that the likelihood of an independent self replicating molecule ( a replicator developed outside of a living organism, i.e. in the open environment) 'appearing randomly' are so astronomical as to be 'beyond the realm of scientific inquiry'.

This is untrue, youve recently extracted a single line or two from one scientrist whos entire point has been shown to you to be something other than what you seem to vapidly insist that it is.
You cant even admit that the rise of smaller polymers , assembly of cells points to the occurence of prokariotic life , and that the rise on the series of ribonucleic acid polymers follwos the organic development of eukaryotes. Whenever these various life groups first existed in time, they left their miniscule traces as either signature Carbon chains and crystals or else as ichno and body fossils of very simple lifeforms that persisted for several BILLION years before many of the lifeforms further developed tests (as a result of the changing atmosphere) .

Your dismissal of all the basis of evo/devo is what I find exceptionally creepy. SOrt of like the UFO and BIGFOOT believers. You need some evidence that must first support your beleifs , not the other way around.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Jul, 2008 01:12 pm
real life's only stance is to take competing scientific theories and claim they each disprove the other. He doesn't support either theory but hopes if he can show they aren't supported by everyone then his unsupported stance will be the default winner even though it has no support.

The only thing we do know for sure is what I said earlier. No award winning chemists agree with real life's position. No award winning physicists agree with him. I doubt any non award winning chemists or physicists would agree with him.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Jul, 2008 01:31 pm
Testimonial is the second lowest form of argument, superior only to argument by ad hominem.
0 Replies

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