Something of a Revelation

Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2003 08:26 pm
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 4,308 • Replies: 70
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Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2003 08:27 pm
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Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2003 08:29 pm
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Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2003 08:30 pm
Does this come on Books on Tape?
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Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2003 08:31 pm
And Finally: Conclusion
Why do you cry freedom? Why do you rail against injustice? Why do you complain about inequality? Why are you not satisfied with your life and station? Everything this world has become, it has become because you have allowed it. You stand aside while the people who lead you further burden your lives with their ideas of how you should live. You work their jobs to increase their wealth, then complain about the size of your paycheck. You save up to buy a place to live, then complain about how much it costs just to live. You shop for the basic things you need, and you complain the entire time about the prices.

Complaining has never solved anything. The leaders hear your complaints, but they only offer you excuses or a quick fix, to placate you. They know as well as you do that you aren't going to *do* anything. But complain. Bills are high because no one stopped them from rising. Food is expensive because no one stopped them from charging for it. Homes are expensive because the most basic things *everyone* needs costs money. No one did anything to prevent it from happening. But everyone one complained about it. Everyone talks about the problems of our modern society, but everyone does nothing but talk.

What does it take to revolutionize the world? To change everything for the betterment of all? It takes desire. Change must be desired with passion and the *reason* for the need for change must be hated equally. We need change because children are dying from starvation under the care of our wealthy leaders. We need change because there is a difference between those who have money and those who do not. We need change because there is no living standard that applies to every man, woman, and child equally regardless of race and culture. The whole world needs to change.

But we need change because everyone is waiting for someone else to change it for them. I am here to tell you that nothing will change and long as you are waiting for someone to do it for you. If you are, you wait in vain. If you don't lift a finger to help, why are you expecting someone to help *you*? If you haven't worked towards meaningful progress, why do you expect someone else to? If you have done nothing to effect change, then why should anyone do *anything* to effect change for *you*? Why should anyone risk the fire of retribution for your cause when you will not risk the fire yourself?

The world is a place of suffering because the world is full of people waiting for someone to fix their problems for them. Full of people complaining about their problems, while doing nothing to change them. Those who have everything they already need are not in the least bit concerned about what everyone else needs and *don't* have.

What are *you* waiting for?
One God. One Love. One Humanity. There can only be One.
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Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 04:51 am
Alleged Soul Doctor wrote:
All our lives we have been taught to believe and not question . . .

Apart from having no interest in general in your rants, Mr. Superstition MD, you lost me with that line right there. That does not describe me, and i'll warrant that it does not describe the majority of those who regularly post at these fora. Your nonsense always starts with a set of really ridiculous assumptions about your potential audience.
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Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 07:01 am
Nice to meet you too. And I suppose you think *your* forum is the only one I post to. And I suppose you think your opinion is the only one valid. In your mind.

It is a post to the general reader, that is why it say 'our', me included. Now if you find yourself outside of that 'our', then that is well and fine. But you should be big enough, mature enough, and adult enough to bide your opinion in silence, and not to have revealed yourself for a fool.

You need a foot in your mouth. Your own. With over 8 thousand posts, I'd say this is the only place you ever post, and likely the only place you feel in control of your own mind. So excerise your free will by chosing to mind your opinion where it concerns you.

In the mean time, how about acting like a civil adult and quit with the childish pouting. You sound like a kid sent to bed early.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 07:25 am
Well, I'm not surprised to see you characterize me as acting in a childish way. I'm not pouting-there is nothing about which to pout. You deny me nothing, you don't prevent me from doing anything which i wish to do. Far from assuming that you only post at this forum, i have assumed from the outset that this site is just one of many where you show up to dump your rants. That adequately explains why you disappear for such a long period of time. You're not here to discuss anything, you just want to shove your opinions down the throats of others. I could not care less if you agree with me, and operate from the assumption that you don't and that nothing i can say will change your mind. Saying that you post this drivel in many places in no wise authorizes your assumptions made a priori about those who are foolish enough to waste their time reading your claptrap. Whether at this site, or another, i continue to assert to you that you begin your looney disquisition with unwarranted assumptions about those who you expect to read your rant. You are living in a narrow little world, the limits of which are your truncated imagination, and physical laws of which are defined by your delusions.

Snotty remarks from you mean nothing to me. I read in many fora, i post in a few others. These sites, however, are either filled with the nonsensical rantings of fanatics such as you, or with the giggling, puerile potty humor and sex talk of adolescents, so most of them are worth posting in. The other site at which i most usually post, in Ireland, would laugh you off the board right quick, so i won't do the community there the disservice of providing you a link. I am not at all surprised by your nastiness--it just infurtiates you that the rest of the world won't acknowledge your "truth," doesn't it?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 07:43 am
Soul_doctor is turning me into a holy scroller...I for one, have also noticed that you get a tad pithy when you assume people do not recognize the supposed 'truths' you are expounding. Hey, if it works for you, fantastic. Just don't push it on others who may have found enlightenment elsewhere. If you also presuppose that nobody but you are 'enlightened' as to the truth, you are seriously deluded. Seek professional help.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 07:48 am
soul_doctor73 wrote:
Nice to meet you too. And I suppose you think *your* forum is the only one I post to. And I suppose you think your opinion is the only one valid. In your mind.

It is a post to the general reader, that is why it say 'our', me included. Now if you find yourself outside of that 'our', then that is well and fine. But you should be big enough, mature enough, and adult enough to bide your opinion in silence, and not to have revealed yourself for a fool.

You need a foot in your mouth. Your own. With over 8 thousand posts, I'd say this is the only place you ever post, and likely the only place you feel in control of your own mind. So excerise your free will by chosing to mind your opinion where it concerns you.

In the mean time, how about acting like a civil adult and quit with the childish pouting. You sound like a kid sent to bed early.

Wow, that's the perfect example of what Setanta was talking about! Suppose this and suppose that. With only three sentences to go on, there is so much assumed and constructed beyond that.

Secondly, telling someone who they are, throughout your writing -- what they have thought, valued, or wanted, what interests and concerns them -- seems a little presumptuous.

Third, there's no need to acknowledge or address Setanta's point when you can just tell him he's a fool and shut up, the way only a mature adult can do. Why are maturity and name-calling such recurring themes in your posts?

Well, let's do it up then! Tell me all about myself Doctor.
What kind of immature child am I? Please describe me.
How have I been living my life so far? Please put me down.
I'm eager to be overwhelmed by things "beyond immediate comprehension" and finally begin to live responsibly
with shocking new revelations that I'm not capable of understanding.
If I can only stop being such an idiot in your eyes, that would be very nice.

Teach me how to finally be an adult. Show me. Please demonstrate.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 08:10 am
CodeBorg wrote:
Wow, that's the perfect example of what Setanta was talking about! Suppose this and suppose that. With only three sentences to go on, there is so much assumed and constructed beyond that.

Secondly, telling someone who they are, throughout your writing -- what they have thought, valued, or wanted, what interests and concerns them -- seems a little presumptuous.

Third, there's no need to acknowledge or address Setanta's point when you can just tell him he's a fool and shut up, the way only a mature adult can do. Why are maturity and name-calling such recurring themes in your posts? So please tell me all about myself Doctor! What kind of immature child am I? Please describe me. How have I been living my life so far? Please put me down. I'm eager to be overwhelmed by things "beyond immediate comprehension" and finally begin to live responsibly with shocking new revelations that I'm not capable of understanding. If I can only stop being such an idiot in your eyes, that would be very nice. Teach me how to finally be an adult. Show me. Please demonstrate.

A 'perfect' example you say. Yet you didn't even specifiy the example you were refering to. That sounds like assumption to me on your part. Yet you are here to call the kettle black. Have you ever watched a local news edition? Or better yet, a national one? Notice how they talk about everyone else except themselves?: *your* local weather, *your* world today, *your* societal problems. So why can they address all of *you*, but I cannot? Do you call them to deride them of their presumptions about you? Or do you sit back and accept what you perceive as 'authoritative' information? The talking heads all over the televisions exclude themselves from the events they report on, and most people, in general, listen without care for objectivity. But you say I am being presumptuous for doing the same thing. In a spiritual forum to general public no less. Oh my, bad, bad, bad me.

f you are so excited about being overwhelmed them maybe you should take the time to read what I have wrote instead of listening to yourself think about it. I'ave made no assumptions about you, as a matter of fact until two minutes ago, you didn't exist. So you and the other don't like my post about the Unity of Man, the death of selfishness and stupidity. Fine. I've met people like you many dozens of times in the past few months and on the dozen or so other boards I post to. There is always one or two who jump into the fray with both feet before looking. Always.

As for your breakdown of my post, you've obviously missed the point of the exercise, and it was not to present myself to you for your personal inspection. That you didn't make it pass the first few paragraphs is obvious, you're only addressing what you think of me, and not addressing the content at all. Which is exactly what the other guy did. I guess he thought I was intruding upon his forum then too.

As for what I think of you, I need not think at all. You've settle the issue in your post. I think you can conlcude what that is, since your post is so full of conclusions. Smile Enjoy.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 08:18 am
My television gathers dust--i only use it to play console video games, and i've not played one in quite a while. I don't watch the new on televions, either the local variety or the national--ironically, because of the lack of genuinely useful information present, as a result of the unwarranted assumption news programming producers make about their potential audiences.

Self-deluded Soi-disant Soul Doctor wrote:
All our lives we have been taught to believe and not question . . .

This is the line of yours to which i originally objected, and it is the point from which i and, i believe, CodeBorg depart in accusing you of making unwarranted assumptions. You haven't a clue what "we" have been taught all of our lives, and that applies in the other fora you pollute, as well as this one. Your forensic skills are weak to nonexistant, and your self-delusion so total, that there is no means of getting across to you that you haven't answered anyone's criticisms here. I'd wager you won't answer in a coherent fashion, because your too wrapped up in your "truth"--quite apart from never having demonstrated any ability to engage in an ordinary rhetorical exchange.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 08:23 am
cavfancier wrote:
Soul_doctor is turning me into a holy scroller...I for one, have also noticed that you get a tad pithy when you assume people do not recognize the supposed 'truths' you are expounding. Hey, if it works for you, fantastic. Just don't push it on others who may have found enlightenment elsewhere. If you also presuppose that nobody but you are 'enlightened' as to the truth, you are seriously deluded. Seek professional help.

Seriously deluded. Hrm, I suppose that's what they used to say to Jesus when we was trying to tell everyone who wasn't poor and downtrodden and destitute what they were doing wrong. In the end, they killed him because they didn't want to hear it any more. I wonder if the same thing will happen to me.

Almost every sentence of what I write very few want to hear. It's too Pithy... lol. Sounds like you've been watching O'reilly. I quit watching the news months ago. Which is probably why I notice they never talk about anything important only what they believe to be. Well I believe this to be important. With over 50 views and just 3 or 4 people replying, maybe I am having an impact on the silent minds. Those willing to check the facts. It's the only thing I want. Test what I say.


0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 08:30 am
The same thing won't happen to you because you're not Jesus. Those willing to check what facts?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 08:34 am
I'm sure you only pursue your deluded course in the belief that you are "having an impact" on someone's mind, silent or otherwise. Console yourself, Superstition MD, tell yourself you have made many converts to your light. Then tell yourself your work here is done, and either lighten up and join our rather friendly community, or go bother someone else with your screed.

BTW, Cav, i forgot to mention, "holyscoller" really cracked me up . . .
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 08:34 am
Lightwizard wrote:
The same thing won't happen to you because you're not Jesus. Those willing to check what facts?

No. I am not Jesus. But I *am* like him.

Yep. Name, dates, and information. I have my sources to share as well. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 08:42 am
Setanta wrote:
I'm sure you only pursue your deluded course in the belief that you are "having an impact" on someone's mind, silent or otherwise. Console yourself, Superstition MD, tell yourself you have made many converts to your light. Then tell yourself your work here is done, and either lighten up and join our rather friendly community, or go bother someone else with your screed.

BTW, Cav, i forgot to mention, "holyscoller" really cracked me up . . .

Actually, I have had an impact on people who have read my posts. The vast majority of the people who reply to my posts do not like what they read, and by association me, but there are some I have met who have made my efforts worth while. So no, not everyone attacks me as deluded, but often they accuse me of being judgemental, arrogant, and self-righteous. I get that all the time.

I have joined your community, and I have made no intentional enemies. What enemies I may have, made themselves my enemy. If any one of you guys wanted to engauge me one on one concerfning the content of my post I will gladly go through every single line beside you. This post is about understanding. It is ONLY about understanding. It is not about my beliefs, your religion, or anyone else's opinion. It is about honor and respect, and my efforts to see honor and respect imparted to those deserving of such things. Like the poor and hungry. Who honors and respects them?

Certainly not the world, in general. But I intend to see that change. Starting right here, right now. With, or without, community support.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 08:46 am
Oh, how very noble you are. I'm sure you sleep the sleep of the self-righteous every night. I'm so happy for you.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 08:46 am
If this initial post is indicative of the thoughts you've shared in all these other fora you mentioned, my guess is you could hold a convention of everyone you've influenced in a phone booth.

You have some thoughts that may be worthwhile, but your presentation is presumptuous and insulting.


Stop being a messiah. I doubt if anyone will ever buy "great truths" "revealed" the way you offer yours.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 08:49 am
Setanta wrote:
My television gathers dust--i only use it to play console video games, and i've not played one in quite a while. I don't watch the new on televions, either the local variety or the national--ironically, because of the lack of genuinely useful information present, as a result of the unwarranted assumption news programming producers make about their potential audiences.

Self-deluded Soi-disant Soul Doctor wrote:
All our lives we have been taught to believe and not question . . .

This is the line of yours to which i originally objected, and it is the point from which i and, i believe, CodeBorg depart in accusing you of making unwarranted assumptions. You haven't a clue what "we" have been taught all of our lives, and that applies in the other fora you pollute, as well as this one. Your forensic skills are weak to nonexistant, and your self-delusion so total, that there is no means of getting across to you that you haven't answered anyone's criticisms here. I'd wager you won't answer in a coherent fashion, because your too wrapped up in your "truth"--quite apart from never having demonstrated any ability to engage in an ordinary rhetorical exchange.

Before this gets ugly, I'll stand down and ignore you. I'll not let you ignite my ire. I could most certainly entertain your tactics and stoop to your level of intolerance. You accuse me of 'pre'sumption, but have consistenly assumed personal conclusions about me. Guess what sort of animal you are turning out to be.
0 Replies

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